Arcane Mage Love

Right now, I noticed that the players remaining in the World of Warcraft are not so good. Lots of fails with LFR. I suspect that it’s all related to Diablo 3’s release. As a result, I decided to focus on my mage as she’s one of the few remaining non-85’s I have left on Saurfang. At first, I had her dual spec between Frost and Fire. But I decided to try out Arcane as Fire’s rotation seemed a little more advanced.

I know some of the more elite players may think I’m lame for saying this, but I like the arcane spec. It’s simple yet effective. From what I’ve read, the spec involves pressing one button more or less. You continuously throw arcane blast at foes until you run out of mana, for which you recover all your mana via Evocate in the next phase.

So far I haven’t had any mana issues. Most of my issues up until now have been dealing with the large amount of threat I generate primarily through AoE attacks. Other than that, I’ve managed to become accustomed to the spec but in solo and group mode. I think by the time I hit 85 and get enough gear to do patch 4.3’s heroic instances, I should be okay since I’ve learned most of the tricks for an arcane mage.

I mentioned that the elites probably feel that my propensity towards the arcane spec is mostly due to my laziness. That partly is true. But I think that in having a class that’s easy to play, it’ll make end game content less disputed, especially as I start the new instances without any gear. With other classes like my paladin, I found doing damage to be tougher since the rotations weren’t as clear initially. I think when you’re starting to gear up for LFR, you need to have a class that you’re fairly comfortable with because other players will most likely blame you for low DPS. There’s not much outside of knowing your class and the instance for improving your situation while you’re undergeared. But at least knowing your class should help out overall.

The other thing I worried about initially with the spec was soloing. However, I’m finding solo play to be very doable. The main aspect while you’re soloing as an arcane mage is that your Arcane Blast inflicts a slow spell on your target. Not only that, but Arcane Blast itself does a fair amount of burst damage. With my BoA gear, I’m seeing some excellent damage done against single target mobs. Rarely, do they have a chance for touching me because of the slow affect.

Although Fire is supposedly one of the best DPS specs at the moment, I do suggest trying Arcane if you’re finding the Fire rotation to be too difficult.

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