I’m in Love with Charlize Theron!!!!

Okay, so her as the so-called “evil” queen in Snow White gave me a massive hard on in terms of respect for her compared to her halitosis, pizza-mustard-hot dog breath infected inability to produce any emotions counterpart Kristen Stewart. If Charlize Theron were, as the queen Ravenna, to manifest on this planet and declare herself queen of the people on Earth, I would be the first in line to declare my utter obedience. No strings attached (except the hourly sex aspect). I mean, how can you NOT like a woman who is perpetually gorgeous with the ability to extend your life if you can do her will? And she dresses bad ass.

But let’s go on about our wonderful Charlize Theron. First, she is the perfect match for me as she is a Leo and born in the same year as me. That means, we’ll get along great! Leos are excellent matches for us Aquarius folk. And to have someone in the same year means we’ll get all the cultural jokes of our generation and snicker at the little snot nose brats who believe they’re starting to figure this world out.

Most importantly though, she shares a similar passion of mine: onara. I think Theron’s main issue all these years with failed relationships is that her true soul mate was well hidden away. We have been parted for too long but we need to increase our biological diversity in this world. Hence, the true perfection between our mating.

Here’s the thing Ms Theron. You can continue to date models, millionaires, famous actors, politicians and others. But just like that king in Snow White, they’ll mean nothing because they’ll view you just as another pretty face, a number that they can toss aside. But true fealty is something endearing.

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