Dear Sharon Stone: You Go Girl!

So people have accused you of being unfair to some stupid ass nanny. Of course, all these people sympathize with the nanny because they’re all poor and probably dishonest. They cannot see what we see. That is, that the people you hired probably were shit laborers, who deserved to be yelled at for stealing and taking advantage of you.

You see, just like yourself, I employee similar, uh, “people.” I think it’s a conspiracy by this one group because these people all are of similar ethnicity. I thought about asking them for their passports to ensure that I’m not employing someone illegal. But I feel as though I’m catering my life savings to a bunch of useless freeloaders. They claim to be Excellent Caregivers, but they don’t do anything remotely useful. They mostly cannot drive, they eat all my food, they barely do anything useful around the house and they just text people on their iphone all day long. Yet when I get a timecard, I cannot verify their true hours because I’m laboring away.

You have every right as an American to freely tell these people whom you employed what you think. Those people bit the hand that fed them by taking advantage of your riches. Yet it’s amazing how the American public are fast to condemn you just because you are beautiful, rich, successful and they are just the opposite.

The only difference between you and I in our respective situations is just scale. You have far more than I do, but I’m certain if (and when) I reach your level of wealth (or exceed it), I will personally love to meet you and discuss your experience. Perhaps, we need to do something about these laborers who try to scratch and claw beyond what they are worth up towards the top. The problem is that they attempt to nickle and dime us to death rather than making themselves into something more.

At any rate, your attitude is applauded and appreciated by your true fans. I’ve always been a fan of yours but now I realize why.

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