Prop 30 Is A Joke

Okay, so they’re going to raise sales taxes in California because supposedly people said, “Tax us so our kids can have better education!” I wonder what most people think of when they put this theoretical money back into education? Do they think that suddenly teachers salaries will go up and thus improve kids’ education? Do they think that more books and computers will be added to classrooms? Will there be more schools built such that there will be less children per teacher so that teachers can focus on individuals?

The problem here is the incredible lack of transparency of where the exact coin flows in all of this. You really need to itemize the exact expenditure of tax dollars and see what kind of plan the state can come up with in order to do something pretty drastic like this. However, in truth what will happen is that people will get a blanket state tax but the results of education won’t really change….except for special interests, which is where I believe this Prop (like most laws) come from.

I think more than likely the people on top will receive raises and pensions will go up. But it won’t necessarily produce better teachers. Let’s face facts. The education kids need are not at the higher level because at that level the cost becomes outrageous, especially these days. Kids needs survival skills so that when they finish basic school, they can be useful.

But in reality that’s not what education is for. Education is to indoctrinate people into a system of control. Just comparing math and science grades against other countries isn’t really useful. That’s just vanity statistics that people use to try to enforce a certain curriculum. I mean, what America needs is critical thinking and creative minds. However, those two elements work against institutions, especially in a capitalistic society such as America because the system demands and requires obedient workers.

Second, why is it that the school systems must be what appears the sole group responsible for creating these theoretical geniuses? It feels as though parents only exist to manufacture kids then feed them into this system to produce more laborers. But let’s forget that cynical bit of truth and examine the other twisted line of thinking where parents feel it’s not their duty to motivate their children into becoming these scientists or skilled tech workers.

I’m not saying that not all parents are lazy. Obviously, those who really care about their children will always choose the best route available. But I see the problem in that the average home will never be the ones telling their children that they should become a doctor. These people will prefer to watch their Monday night football, drink their booze, watch some stupid reality TV show, etc. rather than focus on developing their children. In other words, I highly doubt that providing better teachers and more books will create more doctors and tech workers just like that. This is a pipe dream and it’s incurable because of the way America/California is socially structured.

The thing for me is that I feel that this prop does nothing except puts money into certain undeserving groups’ pockets. It will hurt consumers though as our ridiculously overtaxed state is aggrandizing yet more taxes upon us.

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