World of Warcraft: How I’m Spending Valor Points

Right now, we’re into patch 5.1. Not a particularly great patch as we’re anticipating 5.2, which is going to have a new raid, more world bosses and yet even more daily quests. The big thing to keep in mind with patch 5.2 coming up is that LFR will require ilvl 486 gear. For those doing casual raiding (i.e. strictly LFR), you should already be planning out your gearing for the upcoming patch.

For myself, I’ve taken a small break as the dailies had severely burnt me out (not to mention simply not having enough time to do all of them). As a result, I’m probably a month or two behind overall and need to catch up on my main. Relegated to LFR, my gear options are pretty limited as it’s purely luck driven, thus requiring me to be careful in planning my purchases with Valor Points.

The other day I made my first major purchase in a while by buying the 489 necklace. While I do need a belt and shoulders, the necklace was well within my reach and something that I felt was the best ilvl for that slot for a player like myself. The shoulders and belt slots I decided to hold off on, even if I waited a week of grinding out Valor Points. The reason is that for the shoulder slot, I’m attempting to obtain those via the armor token in LFR. Currently, I’m putting all my Tokens of Fortune into the last three bosses of Terrace of Endless Spring since those slots are missing for me. I’d much prefer to get a 483 tier piece that goes with my legs and gloves slots rather than a 6 point upgrade, at least with regards to the shoulders (and helmet/chest areas).

For the belt, I can technically pick up the one from the Klaxxi. However, I’m hoping that the one in LFR drops. If not, my focus will be to push my reputation with the Dominance Offensive since the revered reputation rewards are a good 496 belt. I think it would be a waste spending the same amount of Valor Points for a lesser belt when better ones eventually will be made available with some perseverance.

In the meantime, I’m hoping to pick up the 489 bracers next week (I could’ve done it this week but I didn’t complete part 2 of MV last week to pick up a bit of valor). Again, for now those bracers will provide me the best ilvl. It still will take me a bit of time before I can reach revered with the Dominance Offensive so I’d prefer to just grab stuff that won’t be as big of a waste in terms of being upgraded.

There’s also the option to upgrade gear via Valor Points. I think this option should only be used for things like weapons or items that you know you won’t be able to upgrade from a drop nor VP purchase. I suppose if I were struggling to get into the next tier of raiding once patch 5.2 comes out, upgrading gear via Valor Points would have to be an option. However, I think if you’re not maxed out, it’s better to just hold onto your Valor Points until the next patch comes out.

Alternatively, I suppose if you want to do some Heroics for raiding, you could boost more of your gear this way. Unless VP comes raining from the sky for you, it’s probably better just to hold onto it for a bit.


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