Diablo 3: Tempest Rush Monk Rules!

Finally, I hit level 60 on my monk while playing with some friends. Upon hitting 60, I spend around 12 million gold on gear to get a reasonable amount of spirit regeneration, which is required to handle the Tempest Rush build. Left me with just over a million gold left, but I have to say this: totally worth it.

I did a little bit of playing around on a Whirlwind Barbarian previously. The lack of fury at times made the build somewhat of a meh for me. It still felt a bit slow when you were fury deprived. Then up until now, the monk just felt horribly slow. Not anymore. Definitely one of the fastest classes around now.

What makes this class great is the raw speed you can achieve. You’re pretty much moving faster than almost any class. So it’s easy to see how this class/build might have become so popular recently as a premier farming class. I can see that this class probably works best on lower monster powers if you do not have high end gear. Right now, my resistances are quite low and my life is only around 15k. DPS-wise, he’s reporting to be around 70k unbuffed according to diabloprogress.com. So I think overall he’s not truly hitting on all cylinders yet.

My build comes from Raoha’s Tempest Rush guide:

[embedplusvideo height=”388″ width=”640″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/dUDjUCiwAn0?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=dUDjUCiwAn0&width=640&height=388&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9956″ /]

Right now, I have one major alteration in using Serenity in place of Blinding Flash. The thing is that I want my monk to be fluid in movement. So if I get entrapped, Serenity is a panic button that lets me escape in a hot situation. Also, I’m considering replacing Chant of Resonance with One with Everything since my Spirit Regeneration is a little over 12 seconds at the moment and the recommended amount is 10. That would allow me to potentially get cheaper gear but still obtain higher resistances.

I’m looking forward to doing some paragon leveling with my monk. I think I’ll try experimenting with him in Inferno to see how he fares. If I can get to Act 3 and farm efficiently there, I might switch to my monk from my demon hunter.


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