World of Warcraft: Death Knight at 90 and Moving Shaman Up

I managed to hit level 90 earlier on my death knight. I figured that it was important to get a few more toons up to 90 before the next patch hits just to start preparing them. I quickly got some PVP gear, along with the 476 chest piece and the crafted 2 handed weapon. Also, I managed to do a last minute Sha of Anger fight, which was good since that gave him some nice entry level epic boots. As of now, he’s sitting at ilvl 451, which isn’t bad considering he just hit level 90.

Although I was tempted to get him started on dailies, I thought better of it. I noticed that you can probably do 1 1/2 toons with regards to dailies. Probably, you could do more but it’s mentally very taxing to run the gamut. The minimum you should focus on are the Tillers, or at least working on your farm to get motes (especially for crafting professions). I think outside of running Sha of Anger, I’ll probably keep him on the sidelines for a while until I have a few more level 90s.

More of my focus is going to be gearing my druid since she’s closer to getting into Heart of Fear as well as my hunter. My hunter now is at ilvl 480, so he’ll meet the bare minimal requirements of getting into the next LFR. For my paladin, I’ll probably just run Terrace of Endless Spring in the hope of obtaining a weapon. It’s pretty hopeless but a friend of mine managed to secure his weapon for the first time. So I’m praying that I’ll get it in the next run or two.

In the meantime, I think I’ll level my shaman. One thing I did learn just recently was that enhancement shamans are pretty much shafted with regards to gear. Crafted gear in particular. I’m a little miffed about the situation as I prefer playing enhancement over elemental. So I’ll have to figure out what to do when the time is right. Overall, it looks like I’ll be force to use suboptimal gear when starting out with a dagger and the 450 weapon from the Arena of Annihilation. Beyond that, I don’t have a lot of great hope in pushing him forward quickly for the current patch. However, with the 458 crafted gear coming out, I might be able to just get a few pieces here and there then purchase whatever is needed to get the bare minimum for Mogu’shan Vaults LFR. That said, I might do other things with him since he is my primary enchanter and has max level enchanting already. I hope to build rep so that he can eventually receive the high end weapon enchants. But that might be some ways away.

The rest of my classes will end up fairing better. All my spellcasters already will have an epic weapon, which is great. If I switched my shaman to elemental, I could use that as well. But I probably won’t since I’m not as familiar with elemental as I am with enhancement. I heard that elemental had some issues soloing in Mist of Pandaria. I’ve had a lot of problems initially with my boomkin and it wasn’t until I obtained better gear that she started to do okay for herself. I imagine that elemental has the same issues.

If I manage to level my shaman to 90 soon, I’ll probably switch over to my warlock or warrior. I am somewhat interested in playing a spell caster outside of a boomkin since it’ll be my first class that I’ll craft my own cloth gear. I’ve heard good things about warlocks but haven’t had an opportunity to give mine a try since Cataclysm. I haven’t decided whether to go demonology or afflication. But a lot of people have said that the new demonology spec is a lot of fun. At least, I’ll have a good weapon by then.

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