North vs South Korea: War?

North Korea apparently just announced that it’s in a state of war with South Korea. The cause: the US flying some bombers nearby. Well, that and the fact that the fat kid might be a bit looney and wanting a bit of respect.

There’s been a lot of tension recently with North Korea becoming more aggressive at least with regards to their media presence. But why now? What’s going on? There’s been various analysis talking about how the US (and perhaps parts of the world) are worried about the fallout of North Korea going under with the various nukes not being managed and the country in general having tons of issues with all the sanctions against it. It makes you wonder if perhaps they were pushed to the limit and the kid reacted.

The problem to me at least is that the kid still is just a kid. He could be well educated but lacking years may imply lacking the wisdom to run an empire. Someone could easily set him off and whatever mental stress he possesses could force him into making an irrational decision. He might not give a fuck about setting off a global war and what the consequences may entail.

Part of me wonders if he’s being (ill) advised by China. There’s an odd sense of alliance with China it seems that possibly might make North Korea into a puppet state. Of course, it’s all speculation but certain things kinda clue this off.

If that were the case, then man America really fucked itself when it allowed all these companies to outsource to China just for some tax relief and cheaper labor.

For myself, I was thinking of countries closer to North Korea like Japan which might end up suffering an attack possibly. I wouldn’t doubt that given the opportunity, North Korea might use Japan as an example. That’s scary for me since I still have a lot of friends over there.

At any rate, this situation hasn’t been looking good recently. Not sure if it will either. People are saying that it’s just North Korea attempting to show force but it’s hard to say if their leader is just a nut or if he has a nasty bite. I’m willing to bet a little of both.

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