Gun Control vs Controlling Gun Industries

The topic of gun control is pretty hot. I’m not a fan of guns except in fiction. That said, the ruling that people are talking about for gun control is nothing short of outrageous. Obviously, gun owners will always be unwilling to relinquish their weapons and it is constitutional to bear arms. People want to point the blame all over and the steps in the concrete plans for gun control seem ludicrous.

That’s why I have a different solution. Instead of aiming the laws at individuals, how about going after gun manufacturers? Because of the military industrial complex that America is trapped in, this scenario never will happen. But at the same time I believe it should happen. I think a lot of the global conflicts occur as a result of America’s military industrial complex. In short, the weapons manufacturers want to sell their shit.

So the thought here is rather than chasing after people, why not chase after the source? You could argue that shutting down weapons manufacturers would end up offshoring all the companies or possibly see something similar to underground drug rings. But I feel America’s fascination with weapons will slowly decrease over time if it’s made less accessible through cutting down the supply.

Of course, people will always have a violent nature to them. That’s inevitable because of our animalistic tendencies. I think that people still need an outlet but virtual forms like games, imo, act as reasonable substitutes. At any rate, it’s just a thought.

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