Message to Obama on Cutting Spending: Kill the TSA and Homeland Security

I was reading about the new so-called “plan” Obama just sent in for spending. It includes taxing the rich and cutting social security. Obama desperately is trying to find ways to deal with the deficit the country has been under. Well, if you examine the track record for some of the worst offenders, look no further than the TSA and Homeland Security.

Some people might wonder, “Well, isn’t the TSA supposed to protect us at the airports?” You would think that would be the case. Instead, it’s just a massive bureaucratic, inflated program that does little good except punish the innocent and allow terrorists to terrorize us from the inside. Instead of having such a useless government, tax funded organization, why not just have that agency become privatized? That way consumer groups can fight back and businesses can be formed and have competition to provide a better service with good “outside-of-the-box” thinking to ensure safety at the airports?

Similarly, why have yet another bureaucratic government, tax-funded organization for handling security in this country? Don’t we have enough organizations like I don’t know the police, military, NSA, CIA and FBI? Is it too much to ask to either consolidate these organizations and make all the spending more transparent and meaningful rather than have separate branches to perform various nefarious tasks?

Either way, on behalf of intelligent people who for some reason feel that voting is a great thing in this country, I apologize to the aliens in this universe who won’t allow us to become part of their system because we absolutely refuse to do anything that makes sense. Sincerely, a pissed off coincidental entity that happens to be on the wrong planet.

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