Diablo 3: Sharing Gear Between Classes

I like the idea of gearing my guys and having them each operate independently as they can. It’s a nice challenge to work on each character and play them as if they were isolated from the rest of your guys for the most part. However, sometimes it’s just not practical because of the cost or the fact that one class simply might have the gear that the class with similar stats requires (which is partly why Diablo 3 is somewhat busted).

For myself, I decided to try a little experiment last night where I gave my Wizard my Witch Doctor’s gear. Now, certain items like the offhand and helmet I ended up keeping on my Witch Doctor since they, more or less, were incompatible for what my Wizard requires. However, very quickly my Wizard’s DPS shot up to 170k buffed and her health hit around 40k (she uses crafted gloves). Unfortunately, I lost a lot of critical hit and attack speed so I ended up switching specs to an Archon spec.

I have to say it was literally a blast.

I just did a quick Act 3 run with no monster power and my Wizard tore up the area. Elites went down in a matter of seconds. I never found myself threatened once. Probably, the only aspect which gave me problems was keeping up Archon form, especially if it disappeared after I invoked it and I was forced to wait for the cooldown to finish.

Monks and Demon Hunters can cross over a bit too as they share Dexterity as their base stat. However, depending on your build, it’s definitely more difficult sharing gear. For instance, weapons, helmet and off hand weapon/quiver aren’t really compatible (unless you go for a Mempo of Twilight or Visage but I have neither at this point). Definitely, if you were to try more resource dependent builds, sharing gear in these cases can be near impossible. But if you wanted to focus on straight high end DPS builds, monk and demon hunters pretty much can trade gear except for their weapons.

Sadly, the barbarian at this point really has no one to share gear with outside of a secondary barbarian. I suppose if you were to try a high end, DPS build you could swap a few pieces with your other guys, but it’s a little strange to me. Maybe if your monk uses a Skorn, he could swap that. But beyond that, barbarians pretty much are a category unto themselves.

Either way, it’s nice being able to share gear at times just to give yourself the opportunity of trying other builds and combinations. Most people tend to stick with a certain type of build but I feel that can get boring after a while.

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