World of Warcraft: Throne of Thunder LFR Part 1 Simple Tactics for DPS

Right now, I feel quite comfortable in discussing simple tactics in handling the LFR version for Throne of Thunder’s part 1 wing. I’ve read tactics over on WoWHead but some of the write ups for the LFR strategies tend to feel out of date compared to what you may encounter in LFR at the moment. That’s why I wanted to write my own version to show my own experience and what has worked.

Jin’Rokh the Breaker

Fairly easy tank and spank fight. Mostly, you have to stand in the growing puddle to get a buff then get out just before the pool gets electrified. If you get a sparkling effect on your character (called Focused Lightning), you pretty much have to run off to a corner to drop it off. Make sure you don’t drop it off in the pool or people will get pretty pissed at you! Other than that, just pretty much stack up in the fight while moving through the four areas where the pool spawns.


This is primarily an add fight. Most of what you’ll be doing is taking down the various adds that spawn through the arena doors while attempting to avoid the various things dropped on the ground or Horridon’s assault. The main two adds to worry about are certain casters and dinomancers. When you see a dinomancer, you need to nuke it down immediately so that you can close the arena door (the dinomancer will drop something that will close off the door). Interrupt what you can and avoid the pools that the casters end up dropping around you (like the poison pools).

Once you get past the add phase, you’ll face a mini boss who you’ll nuke down. Lastly, you’ll face Horridon who’ll pretty much grow in damage. But at this point, you’ll want to burn him down, blowing any cooldowns, maybe even hitting your bloodlust/timewarps/heroisms at this stage.

Also, whenever you do face Horridon, the primary thing to note is attack his sides rather than his rear and front. He constantly is doing a cleave type of assault so attacking his sides is the safest way to damage him. Also, once the dinomancer dies and someone closes the gate, he’ll ram himself into the gate. If you’ve managed to down most of the adds, you might want to get in a few extra shots before he starts up for the next door.

Council of Elders

This fight can be difficult or really simple. The tactics on WoWhead for LFR aren’t really what’s being used anymore. So I’m going to provide my own update of the experiences I’ve seen.

Most LFR groups will try to burn Sul the Sandcrawler first. I’ve heard that this strategy might be DPS dependent but it’s what I’ve seen recently. Melee goes on Sul while ranged go on the empowered (i.e. purple) boss. The one element that you need to look out for is the Blessed Loa Spirits which heal the weakest boss. I’ve seen most groups just CC the Blessed Loa Spirits, using frost traps, entangles, etc. then nuke it down.

The Frost King Malakk seems like the 2nd boss most people burn. It’s either him or High Priestess Mar’li. I’ve seen death knights group two of them up with Sul the Sandcrawler so players with cleave-like abilities can maximize their damage output. I would’ve thought Mar’li should be a higher priority due to her healing abilities but I suppose I’ll have to examine these fights closer to see what most groups do.

The last boss you should worry about is Kazra’jin. He’s mostly a nuisance that doesn’t do much damage and just tosses you into the air. You can easily avoid him by moving out of his path.

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