World of Warcraft: Throne of Thunder LFR Part 2 Simple Tactics

Right now, I’ve started to farm part 1 and part 2 as I find them relatively easy compared to the rest of the raid. So I’d like to offer you my experience as a casual player for part 2 as a DPS class.


The first fight will be Tortos. This is essentially the Super Mario Bros boss of the instance. As a DPS, you will be focusing on one of two aspects in this fight. If you are ranged, you handle the spinning turtles that shoot from Tortos. If you are melee, you will be AoEing down the bats once your tank grabs aggro. In both cases, you will attempt to avoid the falling rocks that are marked with blue circles and attempt to get out of the way of the spinning turtles whenever they come near you.

This fight seems a little chaotic mostly because of all the different elements that you must avoid and it can be a reasonably movement intensive fight. I feel that the fight is slightly easier on melee classes if you have a decent tank. The idea is that the tank will grab aggro of the bats and move them near the boss. Then you can use any AoE and/or cleave type of abilities to maximize your damage against the bats and the boss. Generally, you might want to pay some attention in case your tank does not end up pulling the bats towards the boss.

As a ranged class, you’ll be able to see more of the fight. But the tricky part is that the little spinning turtles will chaotically fly around. So along with dodging rocks, you’ll be forced to dodge the turtles as well. Melee will probably stick on the boss for the most part so they won’t get affected as much as a ranged or even healer.

The one mechanic that you may want to watch out for from Tortos himself is his breath attack. The way you avoid this attack is downing one turtle and then having someone kick the turtle back into the boss just before he uses his breath attack. By doing this, you interrupt the breath attack and save the healers some mana. Just think of that aspect as a mini football game. You’ll kick the turtle by using the extra action button that pops up for this fight. I suggest key binding this button (I use F9).


This is actually a very simple fight overall if you’re a DPS. Most of the encounter at the LFR level is just making sure the tanks face the heads away from the raid and dealing with the Rampage mechanic. The healers are the ones that have to handle Rampage as this becomes the healing intensive aspect. In my case, I’ll try to help the healers out a little by blowing a defensive cooldown or use my own heals if necessary.

In general, this fight is a tank-n-spank type of fight. For the most part you will be switching between the green (far right) and red (far left) heads. As you down one head, you’ll switch to the other head, stack up so that the healers can do a raid do AoE healing. The only real issue that may come up is the Burning Cinders mechanic. Here, if you get it you pretty much just want to run far away from the group so that the healer can dispel it off of you. You do not want to stand around in the group since you’ll damage everyone and probably get kicked for being an ass (in fact, healers too have to be careful since I’ve seen situations where a healer dispelled the Burning Cinders too early and left the group in flames).


As a casual DPS, you can consider this fight primarily a tank-n-spank. You might hear about the DPS who go after the eggs. But assuming this is the first few times you dealt with this encounter, I would skip it until you get an overall feeling for this fight and want to try something different.

Most of the fight is just assaulting Ji-Kun, who is this big bird thing. The only thing you really need to avoid is the puddles of green goo on the ground. That isn’t too hard. The other thing you’ll be dealing with is the quills attack. Here, Ji-Kun will spin around and fire off a big AoE attack to the raid. Healers will be dealing with this mechanic, but again you can be helpful to them by using any quick heals if you’re low or a defensive cooldown.

Now, the main mechanic to watch out for in this fight is Downdraft. This is similar to Lei Shi’s pushback mechanic. However, Downdraft is FAR stronger and will require you to use some sort of movement booster. Something I found was making sure I aligned my guys near the long parts of the platform. That way if I had some difficulties keeping up, I could use the extra space before falling off. The good thing is that you won’t die from this mechanic, but if you fall off you essentially are timed out, leading to a DPS loss. This aspect might get tricky for ranged. With my hunter, even in using his Aspect, he still would be blown off because I put him too far from the boss, not giving him enough room to handle the wind.

Probably, the only other thing to really note in this instance is the snails. The large snails that come just before Ji-Kun are the bane to many people in LFR. They are capable of one shotting you if you stand in front of them. As a melee, this can get a little dangerous so the main thing to do is assault them from behind. I noticed that people tend to kite the snails to one side of the stairs or path, giving people space to attack from the side or move if necessary. The thing is that if you get fixated, it will start following you. So make sure you don’t do anything to drastic.

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