World of Warcraft: Pushing Forward on the Death Knight

I went through the pre-Throne of Thunder LFRs on my Death Knight since I really wanted to finish up the legendary gem quest and get a few extra pieces of gear. It started off as a somewhat weird day since I went from the easier ones to the harder ones, mostly focusing on blood spec gear then moving back to frost for a few encounters. But until I hit Terrace of Endless Spring, I had no coins to do any re-rolls.

So I tried doing Nalak to see if I could get anything or even a rare. Nope. In fact, just as I was about to take on Goda, I got summoned for the Nalak encounter. Afterwards, I eventually got into a Galleon group and once again received nothing. Somewhat disappointed I decided to return to the Isle of Thunder to see if I could spot any rares. Lo and behold Goda was there. I was fortunate enough to get a small group together and got a key to the treasure room. Then I went and picked up several Elder Charms and turned my attention back to Terrace of Endless Spring.

I had some really weird luck there in terms of loot. I got a few repeat drops, including some tanking bracers, the shoulder token, the DPS strength ring and the two handed axe. But I did manage to get my belt and a new tanking necklace so I was pretty happy there. After looting the Sha of Fear, I immediately hit Wrathion to pick up my gem. I did some reforging, got a belt buckle and crafted a few gems for my new belt. Afterwards, it was time to test this all out and see how much I could hit.

At first, I tried picking on some low level creatures in the Jade Forest since I needed to grab a few Jewelrycrafting recipes. But it turns out that I was doing far too much damage to really see how much I improved. Instead, I decided to hunt rares again. Found one guy in Krasarang Wilds (the guy in the little boat) and nuked him down. I think it was pure bliss when I saw a tasty 230k+ crit show up on screen from my Obliterate. Looking at Recount, I noticed I was doing a little under 90k. Considering I don’t have a lot of the newer Throne of Thunder pieces yet, I thought that my DPS was fairly respectable. In fact, all day long I was in the top DPS spots, if not first, most of the time.

Tomorrow (or rather later tonight), I hope to do some Throne of Thunder on my death knight to see what kind of DPS I can push out as well as hopefully acquire a few items. Good stuff.

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