World of Warcraft: Mage at 90 and Theories of Gold Spending

I hit level 90 on my mage a day ago and used my own guide to gear her up quick. I got pretty lucky in doing a Galleon group which drop some excellent starting boots, helping to take my ilvl to the minimum for entering Mogu’shan Vaults. After that, I farmed vaults using Elder Charms I obtained from the Treasure Room. In the end, I was just slightly off to get into Heart of Fear and I had a decision to make: spend gold to buy a trinket or just wait until the reset?

Here’s where my gold spending theory comes into play. I know there’s quite a few people who end up hoarding gold. However, I find hoarding gold to be useless if that’s all you do. Just like IRL, sometimes you need to spend gold as an investment because the returns in the end will outweigh any benefit to keeping it. In this case, waiting one day would mean less potential loot as well as missing out on valor points, gold and just spending more time in a linear progression mode.

The thing is that I could’ve waited that extra day, killed a rare on the Isle of Thunder and obtained more Elder Charms to farm a single item. But what if the item wouldn’t drop? It’s not even a great item so that time is wasted. Also, I might be wasting good Elder Charms on crap gear. I’d prefer to make use of those Charms for the best gear I can get at the moment.

In the end, I dunked 15k into a trinket, figuring that I’ll make it back in the near future no matter what. The game has numerous methods to make gold. You can easily get 800-1k gold/day just from doing dailies on a single toon. So it would only take two weeks to make it back. But now that my mage is in the rotation, that just gives me more opportunities in general.

At any rate, it’s nice having 8 level 90 toons. My next target is to get my rogue to 90. I might take a small break to focus on my 90s. Having that many 90s takes a lot of time to manage. But I’m finally enjoying Throne of Thunder (when the runs go right). It feels a lot smoother since I’m more familiar with the mechanics and fights now. Some fights still are a pain like Dark Animus, Durumu and Lei Shen to a degree. But overall it’s not bad. I’m finding though that melee is a lot more fun than ranged in these instances, mostly because a lot of fights have heavy moving mechanics. Either way, a lot more to do in the upcoming weeks..

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