World of Warcraft: New Loot System Idea

By now, I’m certain the vast majority of people probably feel that the LFR loot system is quite awful. You hear it on the forums all the time. Blizzard seems to want to retain the slot machine mentality behind the loot system because for them it’s because a horribly lazy way to continue to put the dangling carrot in front of people. However, I think the way it’s structured and the intent make it a good candidate to lynch whomever thought of the idea in the first place. That’s why I’m here to propose a better idea.

The main problem about the way the slot machine mentality behind Blizzard works is that it keeps people supposedly engaged in the game. Blizzard, being the stereotypical crack dealer with all of their inexplicable fears of losing customers, need ways to drag out how people engage with the game. So like a bunch of penny pinching cheapskates that they are, they’ve created mechanisms like random drops so that they can avoid responsibility and point to the RNG element while clapping their hands towards people who manage to win the lottery on multiple occasions.

What I want to do is eliminate as much RNG as possible in my system. I think that Blizzard can keep the RNG slot machine in place with one possible change: allow players to select one piece of loot per week that they truly need. The thing is that we have the re-roll system in place, which ends up sounding more like an element that really just should be a legacy idea in Mist of Pandaria. I doubt people want to go through another horrible grinding system in future expansions, especially if it’s all blocked off behind walls like Lesser Charms, daily quests and reputation to get to the daily quest givers. Those elements along with the failure to receive any meaningful item after going through this hazing process probably have burnt out a large number of players. Even with the so-called bad luck protection in place, you can argue that it’s simply not enough given the fact that you’re destiny is all up to chance.

However, if a person was able to select the piece of loot, then at the very minimum they’ll have a reason and motivation to partake in this system. The minority, who enjoy the long drawn out grind, as well as Blizzard might argue, “Well, why even play if you’re getting everything you want?” It’s simple logic really. Again, it’s to avoid people feeling burnt out for no reason. I think when you provide a clear goal (such as hitting level 90, doing achievements, etc.) people feel far more engaged. And people will stay play the game if just for a single day to meet that goal.

I think forcing people to play all the time, which is how I feel Blizzard’s current mentality is set as well as the grinders, is unhealthy. Back in Cataclysm, one of the things that I really enjoyed about the three Hour of Twilight instances is that you had quests that provided clear rewards upon completing each instance. I thought that was a great system to help get people up to speed faster. The game needs more of that rather than the failed RNG slot machine mentality that has killed Diablo 3.

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