The Reason Why America is Screwed Long Term

While Democrats celebrate their victory for avoiding the government shutdown, what was highlighted in all of this turmoil was the weakness in the way the government is run at the moment. Politics, like many aspects growing in Americans’ lives, are nothing more than a large spectator sport at this point, where nothing truly beneficial is being done directly for people, but only for the people in charge running the show. And those people running the show are the lawmakers/lawyers primarily.

As logical as that might sound, there is something ethically incorrect about how it’s being handled in America. Wars are no longer won by what’s right through common sense but by backdoor payments and rhetoric as well as connections. This puts many people at a distinct disadvantage since the average person lacks any of the above to help them in life. A father, whose wife runs away with his son, might be wrongly accused and be prevented from ever seeing his son again just because the wife managed to put a restraining order on him first. Rather than allowing the father to take matters into his own hands, he’s forced to deal with the law, which might not protect him nor his son from a psycho ex-wife.

But that’s just a basic example of how messed up the system is. The system is so convoluted at this point that the essential real help that the country and average person needs is unavailable because of the horrendous bureaucracy established, which merely ends up just supporting government jobs and the lawyers/politicians who reinforce this pathetic infrastructure. And the thing is that these people in charge have zero desire to change any of these issues.

I feel that the current government infrastructure is inadequate to survive for the next 20 years. I was reading how the real issue will end up being the medical cost that are ballooning up. No one seems to have a good answer for this problem…at least a good answer that satisfies the people who get a cut of the action (i.e. the doctors, FDA, lawyers, etc.) But that’s just one example of a critical issue that the government is incapable of providing a solid solution.

For myself, I feel particularly vulnerable and that the government cannot protect me. Patriots blindly will point to how soldiers protect our lives on a daily basis. But the thing is that there are other countries which are not involved in wars whose people are better off. Our standard of living is actually pretty low; it feels as though we measure things in America by assets rather than the quality of life we lead. But that’s the part where the government pushes you towards because they want you in this capitalistic system that forces you into a hyper consumer model.

In truth, we are no better than slaves at this point. We are incapable of owning anything these days and everything is moving towards a rented/subscription based model. In short, you have to continue paying and working to live in this country. Maybe on the surface people will say, “Well, duh!” But when the jobs are being sent overseas and there’s no guarantee for life time employment along with mandated health care laws and the diminishing social security, it’s clear that the average person not only has to run the rat race but must squash his neighbors, friends, family and loved ones to survive.

The first thing America needs to do is remove all the bureaucrats and eliminate the unnecessary dead weights called lawyers from the system. Money has to be reworked such that it discourages the current model. The way pay works is absolutely nonsense. Perhaps, you do allow for certain people to rise but the barriers to entry is far too great, especially since it plays into the extreme favoritism of this system.

Another thing is that the system does need to collapse. I was hoping that the shutdown would occur and that we’d go into a financial crisis. Instead, we’re going to get a duct taped system that does not bode well for future generations. I predict what will happen is that slowly America won’t be owned by Americans anymore; in fact, America really isn’t owned by Americans as other countries now own pieces of it like Saudi Arabia and China. We have effectively sold ourselves out such that only certain people were able to get their percentages.

But what’s really scary is the thought of how America will collapse. We’ve already seen parts of Europe and Egypt erupt as a result of the various financial issues in their respective countries. Will America be the next stop? We have seen in Los Angeles and Louisiana how America can rear its ugly side.

And the thing is that Americans are bred for war. If you read the conspiracy theorists, it’s said that the three dominions of the world are the Roman Catholic Church, America and the Royal Crown in the UK. The Church represents the spiritual side, the Royal Crown the leadership and America is the military arm. If you doubt me, examine the rhetoric of every day life in America. America is inherently a war hungry nation. The fact that people want to carry arms for their own supposed safety shows a huge mental issue. Hollywood movies have extreme amounts of violence and TV/movies are filled with anxiety. Our cops are forged into weapons and our military spending is exuberant. Even our passion for games are nothing more than trainers to fill our lust for killing.

If you doubt what I say, try living abroad for a while. Many people will accuse you of having ultra violent rhetoric. You probably never consider such things because of how natural it comes to you and the fact that most people employ unfiltered language.

Once the pressure starts to heat up where Americans no longer can support their basic necessities, that’s when the eruption will occur. I believe that the government is preparing for that day. Again people have cited internment camps around the country for such an event. But will it work?

That’s a crucial question. There are two possible outcomes in all of this. The first is that most Americans will end up fearing for their material possessions and shallow lives and become obedient. Only those who have nothing to lose but are forced into a corner will rebel. But I think the government never has cared for those people and want to eliminate them in the end to help curb the population problem.

Another option is that America goes into a military coup. If you look at other countries in the world where something similar has taken place, it seems that what happens in the end is the rise of the military power. Iran and Cambodia immediately come to mind as examples. The thing with America is that it has the military power to take control. I personally think that part of America is actually under military control right now but that it’s not recognized publicly in fear of causing hysteria in Americans.

However, as we have seen with the Snowden drama, the government isn’t exactly against lying and spying on its own citizens. Of course, that caused many people to distrust America and that relationship is being strained continuously. For me, it was just a public verification of what I’ve known and what many people have known.

Now, the thing I feel is the biggest problem (outside of bureaucrats and lawyers running the country) is that America just is too big. America is similar to the problems you see in many large companies that have failed in recent years where the size prohibits the country from handling every little issue without affecting another part. Yet it wants to micromanage everything on the federal level, which becomes confusing since the state level often times conflicts.

As much as I’d love to see America formally split, the truth is that will never happen. Yes, we have states but there’s just too much conflict that occurs that imposes such huge burdens on the individuals in this country. Since the people on top refuse to relinquish their power, we won’t ever see what needs to happen, which is smaller, more manageable states that focus on local communities rather than worrying about the broader picture. At this point, the broader picture is that the current situation isn’t sustainable and will crack. But I honestly don’t want to be around here when that happens.

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