World of Warcraft: Received Legendary Cape for My Paladin!

Currently, I have three main goals left in this expansion: 1) Kill Garosh on Flex; 2) Get the Golem mount; 3) Finish the legendary quest. Well, today I managed to get very close to completing one of my main goals as my paladin finally finished up the legendary cape portion. I will say that I was extremely ecstatic.

When I started Mist of Pandaria out, like everyone else, I started doing the legendary quest with the summons in the tavern by Wrathion. Thereafter, I grinded my Sigils of Power and Wisdom, which took a fair amount of time. When Terrace of Endless Spring came out, I felt that I fell behind slightly both along the lines of the Sigils and not getting a weapon. Ultimately, I started to lag behind others, especially in gaining reputation then later the group and PVP quests. The group and PVP quests more than anything set me back as I really didn’t feel the rewards were worth the effort at that point in time.

It wasn’t until patch 5.4 where I decided to really give it a go. Originally, I was angry that part of the content was blockaded by the cape/quest line. However, by chance someone on my server asked about doing the group quest and I decided to join up. Once we finished that portion, I felt that a major barricade had been removed. So I hit the PVP portion and managed to quickly complete the two battle grounds (took 3 attempts overall, so not bad).

With the first blockade removed, I could do what I felt would be the easier, albeit more tedious, portion of the legendary quest line, which was once again grinding for items. The Secrets aspect wasn’t too bad since you can obtain them in Throne of Thunder and the first two wings of Siege of Orgrimmar. I figured that I could get some protection gear along the way as well as using this as an excuse to valor cap.

The real issue that came up was handling the Thunder Forge scenario. I read a bit about this portion of the legendary quest and it seemed like it would be a nasty hurdle to conquer. Various people on Wowhead mentioned the difficulty level with this scenario. But at the same time many people had managed to conquer it and had a fair amount of advice. I believe I wrote up about how I managed to handle it; ironically, although I tried some of the suggestions, I ended up just doing the mechanics properly and pulled through in the end.

Unfortunately, the REAL challenge was about to hit me: defeating Nalak solo. Since very few people do the Isle of Thunder anymore, I was forced to die numerous times trying to spear Nalak and get the elemental to come after me in the correct manner. I attempted to pull as many paladin tricks out, even farming for the aggro item from the guy in Valley of the Four Winds. None of that went in my favor. It wasn’t until some death knight showed up and took Nalak’s aggro, which allowed me to spear Nalak and complete the quest. I paid the Death Knight 100 gold as gratitude and went back to collect my new legendary meta gem.

The part after that wasn’t too bad neither; just another tedious item grind that took time more than anything else. But today for me was reset day and I managed to grab the last two Runestones and Lei Shen’s heart to finish up the item grind portion of the legendary. By now, I was extremely eager to get the epic cloak, but I had to bypass one of the challenges.

As a melee DPS class, I ended up choosing Xuen’s Challenge. I watched a few videos, a retribution paladin one specifically and read more advice on the Wowhead forums from other retribution paladins on handling this fight. Because a friend of mine had a fair amount of problems as a fury warrior, I still felt a little apprehensive going in. However, I managed to prepare myself as much as I could, getting the Celestial’s Blessing, drinking a flask and eating beforehand. At that point, I was ready and prayed for the best.

I suppose that my damage had become so high that the challenge really wasn’t a challenge for me anymore. I hardly was threatened during the entire encounter and I was nuking down Wrathion and the adds quickly and efficiently. At first, I hardly could believe my eyes at how fast Wrathion was going down. But it didn’t take that long. Before I knew it, I had conquered that Challenge.

I raised my arms in victory, blaring out an elated cry for success. The hardest part of the quest line was now over! So it was onto the last part. Quickly, I grabbed my new epic ilvl 600 cape and made my way down to the Timeless Isle. I was so happy that I forgot to check if I needed to reforge (which I did). But I didn’t care at this stage. What was important was finishing this all up.

The first aspect was collecting 5000 coins. Fortunately, I had 49k sitting in my bags. So that wasn’t an issue at all. The next part was more frustrating than anything as I had to defeat each of the Celestials. Despite the fact that I had done this several times (even getting the achievement), those kills were not retroactively counted and I had to start from scratch. Earlier I had already done one Celestial so this just meant that I had to do that one again as well as the other three.

The hardest part about this section is just waiting for the right ones to appear. I managed to get three of them down as today was the server’s reset day and peak time. So I was waiting to down the last one (Yu’lon, my least favorite). The allies had already defeated her while I was waiting. But I tried sneaking in a few attacks to see if it would count (it didn’t). That forced me to wait a little longer. Fortunately, a few more groups came by and Yu’lon was up again. This time the Horde faction tagged her and I was able to get her down.

With the four Celestials conquered, I was ready to return to Wrathion in the Seat of Knowledge. As I entered, I noticed the ghostly specters of other successful people who just obtained their legendaries. Walking through the entrance, Wrathion and Lorewalker Cho greeted my Paladin. What followed was a very nice summary of my career in Pandaria that nearly brought a tear to my eye. Considering that this quest had taken more than a year to complete, it really felt like a legendary tale in the making. When I received the item to enhance my cloak to legendary status, my guild received the achievement. But it would be my toon’s name penned to that achievement.

Certainly, it was a very proud World of Warcraft moment for myself. I really didn’t think I would ever finish. But of course, why just stop at receiving the cloak when you can do the one thing that had alluded you since the beginning of this patch? Yup, after enchanting, gemming and reforging my cloak, I immediately returned to the Isle to get my first Ordos victory. Although I did not receive any warforged items (I do believe I received a Burden of Eternity though from the container), I was extremely excited and happy to be able to do something new. Every time the cape proc’d, there was a part of me that lit up in excitement. What was great though was being able to do #3 ranked DPS in that fight as it was my first true test with the cape.

So what next? Hopefully, this week I’ll be able to do some flex raids with my friend’s guild. I would love to replace my helmet and get a BoA from the Garrosh fight. Hopefully, with the new cape, I’ll finally be able to catch up to some of his guild’s other DPS people.

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