Diablo 3: Re-Designed Mauraders Set Bonuses

Just so the patch notes for the upcoming 2.1.2 PTR and one of the key changes for Demon Hunters using the M6 (Mauraders set) is the way Sentries will work. I will go over the key points and some possible implications in this blog.

The main two changes are the following with regards to the number of pieces you have managed to collect and wear:

  • (2 set bonus): Now increases the damage of your Hatred generators by 40% for every Sentry you have active
  • (6 set bonus): Sentries now cast your Hatred spenders every time you do and deal 100% increased damage

The biggest change is the 6 set bonus aspect. Right now, demon hunters with the Mauraders set enjoy a very passive form of fighting where they mostly drop sentries and let the sentries handle everything. So with this change, we will be seeing the Hatred spending aspect for the Mauraders set to only occur when Demon Hunters utilize their Hatred spenders. This change will change the current play style immensely, especially in higher tiered rifts where Demon Hunters can avoid a lot of damage by staying back.

In talking with Wyatt Cheng, I did find out that one of the big intents is to get Demon Hunters actively firing again. It’s said that a lot of the community wants to see that play style returned as well and with this change, it will make the newer Demon Hunter 6 piece set in patch 2.1.2 potentially a solid rival against the Maurader’s set.

For those that want to continue using the Mauraders set, the main implication here is that you will end up needing to find a generator ability to make the 2 set bonus worth using. Also, more than likely most frost-fire/fire builds will end up disappearing as it seems that only the spenders will be fired. In turn, what we’ll probably see is the Kridershot becoming the BiS weapon of choice here with Elemental Arrow and probably Cluster Arrow as the spender. Multishot probably will go away and be replaced with another defensive if you decide to stick with a frost-fire like build.

Otherwise, you might have to find another quiver beyond the Bombadier’s Rucksack such as Spines of Seething Hate for a decently powered generator. Demon Hunters will still face Hatred Generation problems and might either return to using Reaper’s Wraps for their bracers slot or avoid Frost-Fire altogether and shoot for the Lightning Build with the cheaper Elemental Arrow for the spender.

I do think that this change will end up making Demon Hunters more on par with classes like the Wizard as the Demon Hunters will now be forced to fire and figure out new ways to survive when encountering high level rift bosses. One thing I do recommend is that if this change does make its way into the final patch, you probably will want to spend a fair amount of time farming if you do use a Demon Hunter as a crutch type of character to the rest of your guys.


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