Diablo 3: Season 2 and Me

Season 2 is just another 2 days away for me and I’m pretty excited. Unlike Season 1, I will participate early on for Season 2. In this blog, I want to discuss why I changed my position on participating in seasons.

When Season 1 began, I felt that there really wasn’t much of a point. I knew that at the end of a season, your character would eventually roll over in normal mode and that the season only gear would find its way into the main legendary pot. More importantly, Season 1 began, I had different goals. At that point, my toons, especially my main Demon Hunter, still were not fully geared and I was far more focused on my original Demon Hunter. On top of that, the gear drops were buffed not only for seasons but non-seasonal as well, making my motivation for joining seasons pretty moot.

Right now, most of my toons are fairly well geared and I honestly don’t have much to do beyond helping my friends get their own sets of gear while looking for elusive ancients and a few remaining key pieces (such as an Starmetal Kukri for my Witch Doctor). However, one thing I am going to pursue is my seasonal transmog, where I managed to get the head and shoulder pieces. So if anything, I want to do some seasonal stuff at minimal for the transmog.

However, while I doubt I’ll participate in competing for high level greater rifts, the main thing I will try to do with seasons is hopefully connect with other streamers and people who will be focused on seasons. I feel that one thing I really missed out on season 1 was being able to play with other popular streamers or even people in my clan who exclusively played seasonal characters.

Now, that my original goal of trying every single class and even a few builds has been accomplished, I can move onto the challenge of really embracing the idea of seasons and seeing what I can accomplish from scratch. In some ways, I want to really just focus on a single class such as a Crusader or Monk since they will be receiving special items that ought to change their play style a bit. I’ve already tried it a bit while at Blizzcon and hence have more motivation in doing Season 2.

Another big difference for seasons is that we have a much better idea of how everything has worked out. Things like rankings with Greater Rifts, exploits, gear and builds pretty much are finalized, even with some of the new upcoming seasonal gear. So I think the season in general will be pretty smooth.

My general plan going in will be to do the normal campaigns (maybe even hard mode) and grind out levels until I’m in my 60’s. Then switch to Adventure Mode for the final few levels while earning key fragments. Right now, I’m leaning towards the Crusader just because I found the Bombardment build at Blizzcon to look pretty interesting and I want to give it a better shot. I will miss playing a Demon Hunter, but I don’t want to just run Demon Hunters. I feel that monks and crusaders ought to see a fairly reasonable change with the upcoming items so it will be worth checking them out as opposed to the Demon Hunter for this coming season.

Unfortunately, as discussed during the Tavern Talk regarding the upcoming Season 2, we will not be seeing the set items introduced at Blizzcon until the season finishes. From the sound of things, that probably won’t occur for at least 3 months. Given that scenario, classes like the Barbarian, Demon Hunter and Wizard really aren’t worth playing if you’re looking for a new experience. Their new seasonal items aren’t huge game changers at this stage whereas Crusaders, Witch Doctors and Monks will see some potentially huge benefits.

At any rate, I’m pretty excited. I probably will go a bit hard core this weekend in getting my seasonal character up to 70 asap just for the transmog if anything. After that, I want to see how much gear I can obtain and hopefully find some of the new seasonal pieces.

One little wish I do have for the developers is to increase the number of character slots every season, just so that we have more options to try other classes just for the new seasonal items if anything.

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