Game of Thrones: Who Is The Beautiful Queen in Cersei’s Prophecy?

The primary driving force behind Cersei Lannister’s paranoia is a prophecy she was given by Maggy the Frog. In the upcoming season 5 of Game of Thrones, the producers have revealed that we will actually see one of the rare flashbacks that will unveil exactly what this prophecy she is haunted by is about. It’s such a crucial element to Cersei’s back story that it has driven the producers to defy one of their rules for the show (no dreams or flashbacks). The prophecy talks partly foretells the coming of a beautiful queen who will take everything dear away from her. But who is this beautiful queen that Cersei fears?

I think the most obvious answer is Daenerys Targaryen. In the books and to a subtle degree within the TV series, Cersei obsesses over both Sansa Stark and Margaery Tyrell as the people who will fulfill the prophecy. Hence, she limits both (especially Margaery once Sansa escapes) and attempts to frame Margaery, which backfires and leads to Cersei’s capitulation of power for a time period. One could argue that Margaery inadvertently has fulfilled the prophecy since Cersei is humiliated by being stripped naked and forced to perform a walk of shame in King’s Landing.

However, at the end of A Dance of Dragons, we see Varys slay Kevan Lannister, who has made an effort to correct all of the corruption that Cersei has caused. Just prior to that Kevan remarks how Cersei has been “declawed,” meaning that the humiliating events surrounding her were effective enough to render her impotent. Given that Varys unveils his own plot, we can assume that there is a plan to once again reinstate Cersei to have her continue her incompetent leadership in allowing for the coming invasion of either Daenerys or Prince Aegon. Thus, I believe that the prophecy has not been truly fulfilled in the exact wording.

Another critical point is that in the TV series, Cersei, like many others, brushes off Daenerys as a real threat. Being arrogant and unworldly, Cersei hence remains blind to the reality that may soon unfold before her if and when Daenerys reaches King’s Landing with her army and dragons. One of the common themes that shows up often is how people ignore the truth. Cersei only focuses on what’s in front of her, which is one of her main weaknesses. Thus, I figure Daenerys would factor neatly into the prophecy.

People can argue that Sansa Stark would also make a solid candidate to fulfill the prophecy. Unlike Daenerys, Sansa has a more solid reason to want vengeance against Cersei and the Lannister family. If she becomes queen of the north as I’ve discussed in my previous blog, Sansa could very well command a huge army to assault King’s Landing in avenging her family. And her features fit the vague wording of the prophecy.

However, my argument against Sansa Stark’s as the one who will fulfill the prophecy is that I think she does not have the heart to do this. I think if she ever discovers the truth behind how the war had started, she might even feel sympathetic towards Cersei in how they’ve all been pawns. If anything she might even attempt to help Cersei in revealing the truth to her as well.

Nonetheless, that doesn’t change Daenerys’ disposition in all of this. In her mind, both the Starks and Lannisters are her opponents, especially the Lannisters since Jaime had slain Daenerys’ father. Since Varys seems to hint at putting Cersei back on the Iron Throne with Tommen as her puppet, Daenerys will probably focus her attention once she reaches the shores of King’s Landing on Cersei. And with three full grown dragons at her side, Daenerys will probably experience little to no true resistance from Cersei and possibly gain some form of a confession to her son’s illegitimacy via Jaime.

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