Homestead: Dealing With Vagrant’s Permission Issues

The other day I ran into a really annoying issue where after re-doing my Vagrant instance, I had some issues with the way my directory was mounted and provided certain permissions. When I would ssh into my box and tried to change permissions, even as root, the permission layout would stay the same. However, I needed to deal with saving files to a certain directory, which was driving me nuts. Here’s how I did a quick solve.

The main issue was that the web server, Ngnix was running as www-data for user/group and tried to write files to a directory owned by the vagrant user. If I changed permissions through the Mac directory where I mounted it from, I had no issues. However, I couldn’t change permissions inside the box on the mounted directory nor change ownership.

Instead, my quick and dirty solution was simply to modify my Ngnix user/group to run as vagrant too. Yes, this is a horrible solution that no sysadmin would ever advocate. Given that it’s my local box and would have a different setting once migrated into production, I really had no issue with this change. The negative part was just too costly in terms of my time and I already had been futzing around while crawling next to a very tight deadline.

I suppose if/when I ever have time again, I would like to take a deeper look at the issue. I’ve been running into various issues like this with Homestead when it comes to the environment and I noticed that some just require a deeper dive into the system. Hopefully, once this project ends, I’ll be able to track some of these issues and provide a non-hacked solution.

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