Game of Thrones: Will Cersei Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen Meet in Season 6?

There were some pictures posted of Emilia Clarke, Lena Headey and Natalie Dormer in costume for Season 6 Game of Thrones. Those pictures lit up a section of the internet in terms of speculation of what will happen. Emilia Clarke cryptically hinted that Season 6 is nothing short of “mental.” Still, was this just coincidence of the three actresses in the same location or are there real implications of Daenerys Targaryen reaching King’s Landing?

Last we saw each character, they all were in some form of serious trouble. Natalie Dormer, as Margaery Tyrell, was locked up in the Black Cells on account of lying to protecting her brother. Lena Headey, as Cersei Lannister, performed the Walk of Shame as part of her atonement for admitting her crimes of fornication and adultery. Finally, Emilia Clarke, as Daenerys Targaryen, seemed in a tussle beset by her ex-khalasar, presumably led by those who saw Khal Drogo’s passing partly as the fault of the exiled princess. Book-wise, we’re at essentially the same plot points so we have little to go on in assuming the future of the three women beyond the fact that George RR Martin has based part of his story on history.

The three of them together on set does imply that Daenerys finally has made her way somehow to King’s Landing. The method of arrival can be anyone’s guess at this point. But in all likelihood Ser Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis could’ve saved her from the Dothraki. Whether or not Ser Jorah Mormont manages to accompany on her further in her journey is debatable since he has incurred the greyscale disease and maybe terminally ill. Alternatively, Drogon may rescue her similar to his deux ex-machina appearance in episode 9 of Season 5. Perhaps, the appearance of Drogon (and the other two dragons now more mature) may enforce a symbol of strength for Daenerys, allowing her to tame the khalasar and utilize them for her army. For me this is the most logical course of action. With her army at a decent strength along with the Unsullied and the city of Meereen to provide more forces, Daenerys would have a better chance of a successful invasion of King’s Landing.

But to get to the scene showing the three women together, we still need to answer how Margaery Tyrell and Cersei Lannister evade their situations. Natalie Dormer has mentioned that Margaery Tyrell, being a scheming type of character, is determined to get out of the Black Cells. One thing that I’ve noticed though about the TV portrayal of Margaery Tyrell is that, despite her schemes, things never work out the way she sees it. She’s generally one off in her machinations, which leads me to believe nothing will change in the upcoming season.

On the other hand, Cersei Lannister’s situation is far more serious and interesting. From the novel point of view, she is last seen with her son. Kevan Lannister thinks to himself, “the cat’s been declawed” referring to how people believe her anger has been reduced. Her last point of view chapter also makes it seem as though she seems a little more subdued despite how Qyburn has produced an aid to vanquish the evils for her.

Still, her issue is that her actual trial has not begun, similar to Margaery Tyrell’s trial. Many believe that the speechless knight (who very obviously is the former Mountain/Gregor Clegane) will fight for her very likely against his “dead” brother Ser Sandor Clegane (in which fans have bequeathed the name “Cleagane Bowl”). Ser Sandor Clegane will serve the Sparrows as his essence as the Hound now has parted, leaving a renewed man of spirituality. Here, I’m assuming that both Cersei and the Sparrows will call a Trial by Combat and name the two Cleganes as their champions (and where Sandor Clegane may find his own form of justice/vengeance against his brother).

Yet because this is Game of Thrones and the supposed good guys never are the real winners, more than likely Sandor Clegane may lose his trial and Cersei will win her case. Her victory may provide enough confidence to make her do something utterly whacko like destroy the sparrows and get revenge against the city at large for putting her through her humiliating ordeals. With the city in chaos maybe that gives enough incentive and the opportunity for Daenarys to deploy her forces. After all, we do see in the novels Varys assassinate both Kevan Lannister and Maester Pycelle. And with his information network, Varys will know precisely the time for Daenarys to invade.

Most people anticipated the collision between Tyrion Lannister and Daenarys. But a far more nuclear explosive encounter would be the meeting between Daenarys and Cersei (and possibly Margaery). Unlike the other rulers Daenarys has dealt with in the series thus far, Cersei and Margaery, like herself are women. Perhaps, she might use more political tactics rather than brute force, as Tyrion has advised, to create a relationship between herself and the Lannisters and Tyrells.

One thing that we have noted about Daenarys is that she’s very sympathetic to the plight of women in the story. Not all have treated her with similar hospitality, but she seems to treat women in giving them a chance compared to men. The shot shows all three women cleaned up so maybe Daenarys has decided to isolate them in trying to create a sense of sanity.

Perhaps, Tyrion even has gone as far as supplying Daenarys with the ultimate weapon in de-empowering his sister: the knowledge that Tommen is Jamie’s child born of incest. Unlike others in the land, Daenarys might feel an understanding for Cersei and Jamie in that her own family had passed down the tradition of incest in attempting to keep their bloodlines pure. However, because of the way the throne had been usurped at the hands of Robert Baratheon, Daenarys might try negotiations tactics with Cersei, here having the upper hand. She may remind Cersei of the tragedy that has befallen her own family and offer banishment.

Whereas before when Ned Stark suggested to leave, Cersei might take Daenarys at her offer as her son is the only child she has left. This storyline fits the historical one Cersei’s character is modeled after, where the historical figure is banished by the returning king. In turn, Daenarys promises to leave Cersei and her son alone, unlike the Baratheons who hunted Daenarys and her brother.

Now, Margaery will probably slink up to Daenarys and offer the support she will need to deal with the remnants of the north, which will be the increasing forces of the Boltons. I’m not sure how the Sand Snakes and Dorne will factor in this equation. But that’s a different discussion.


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