Game of Thrones: What Will Ser Davos Seaworth Do in Season 6?

Ser Davos Seaworth’s story differed quite a bit in the TV series from his arc in the books. In the books, he is sent to Wyman Manderly to gain aid for Stannis’ army in repelling the Boltons and securing the North. In the TV series, Stannis sends Ser Davos back to Castle Black for supplies, knowing the Onion Knight would prevent Melisandre from burning Shireen. As far as things go, Ser Davos is probably still at Castle Black. But what’s his next move?

Initially, Ser Davos will face a great deal of conflict as he will contend with Melisandre, the fate of Stannis’ army, maybe the Boltons (to a degree), the Wildlings and the Night’s Watch. No doubt the two highest concerns will be Stannis’ fate and Shireen. The Night’s Watch might receive word of the Bolton’s victory over Stannis, which just reinforces Melisandre’s abrupt loss of faith in Stannis as well as her demur demeanor.

I think he’ll first try to confront Melisandre who will admit her own failure in misreading her visions and begin to doubt her faith. That, of course, won’t satisfy Ser Davos and he probably will accuse Melisandre of putting Shireen to the torch. He might become violent in that Melisandre had destroyed his friend’s army and being a child murderer. However, the Night’s Watch will probably defend the Red Priestess, leaving Ser Davos fuming.

In turn, I think Ser Davos may inquire to the whereabouts of Jon Snow (which was Davos’ original task). Gradually, he discovers that several men had murdered Jon Snow (probably through Olly who might not see any ill will towards the good natured smuggler). At that point, he realizes that Castle Black is a dangerous place for him and insists that the men do something to retaliate for the “One True King”. A decree might come in from the Boltons ordering the people of Castle Black complicity and handle any traitors within their ranks.  Maybe the loyal Edd Tollet will be killed as a way to prove their loyalty to the Boltons in return for supplies and men to help eventually deal with the local Wildling issue.

The street smart smuggler in Davos knows how to handle the situation and plays it straight but escapes Castle Black. Before leaving he might threaten Melisandre to figure out a way to make amends for her “wrong doings”. I don’t really see her accompanying him on his journey, but she might reveal some cryptic message about her visions that link Jon Snow, the White Walkers and Bran/Rickon Stark together.

At any rate, Ser Davos will leave Castle Black and head south. Now, I don’t know for certain if they cast someone to play the Wyman Manderly. The only new cast members we can presume are for the roles of the Tarlys (who have yet to be seen in the books) and Euron Greyjoy (there are more but I’m thinking mostly of new characters to the TV series). Nonetheless, I think the cast is pretty stacked. If anything though, they might simply shortcut the Bolton/Davos/Rickon/Osha story by intertwining Davos with Sansa Stark and Reek/Theon Greyjoy.

Logically speaking, these three might be the most likely to head towards a collision course since Sansa will probably be seeking her brothers, whom Theon revealed to be alive. Since Theon has no clue where Bran nor Rickon has gone, that may motivate Sansa to travel towards Castle Black. Similarly, Ser Davos might try to find out the fate of Stannis, leading him towards the battlegrounds of the Boltons and Stannis’ army. Through each other, they learn the fate of the beloved ones.

There is a huge dilemma here which is that neither side really has any great guess at where Rickon nor Bran are. Davos will have a clue only if Sam and he held a conversation since Sam is the only one to know where Bran has gone. However, if we use the books for some guidance, it’s entirely possible that Bran uses his heightened Green Seer/Worg abilities to get into the mind of Reek/Theon and provide some hint of his brother’s fate. I believe that the books have Rickon and Osha taken to the Summer Isles where a bunch of cannibals exist. If that’s the course of action, then Rickon will be in dire trouble and Sansa may implore Theon and Davos to travel to the Summer Isles (or wherever the equivalent is in the TV series) to save her brother. If they can recover Rickon, then he and Sansa might be able to pull enough power in the North to fight against the Boltons.

Naturally, outside of the threat of cannibals on the Summer Isles, the true enemy will be Ramsay Bolton. We cannot forget his haunting quote where he stated to Reek, “Wouldn’t that be a hunt to remember.” Certainly, the death of his lover, Myranda, will add fuel to his overly confident demeanor. By capitulating the live Rickon, that pretty much will cement the Bolton’s power in the North. So plenty of incentives for Ramsay to go after Rickon, Sansa and Reek (maybe he just needs his “20 good men” again).

Now, something interesting that may not happen next season (due to time constraints) is the possibility of a meeting between Brienne and Ser Davos. Since Brienne’s oath was to rescue Sansa and she had failed on multiple occasions, she might attempt to fulfill that portion of her oath as her revenge probably has been completed against Stannis. I feel that their paths will intertwine down the long road just because part of the plots in Game of Thrones are the consequential nature of people’s actions. Although Davos may be angry against Brienne, Brienne might explain her actions. The real culprit in the demise of their loved ones is none other than the duplicitous Melisandre.

Of course, that tale also links in some way to the highly hypothesized return of Jon Snow. People have stated that there’s been photos of Kit Harrington in Stark armor leading an army. So it’s entirely possible that Jon Snow is revived through Melisandre. It’s unclear at what point this return occurs. One of the earlier versions of the major plot in Game of Thrones is that Jon Snow’s heritage would be revealed at a late point in the plot and be a major turning point. Possibly, that hints at him being resurrected at a later time to fulfill the prophecy of being Azor Ahai. For all we know Jon Snow might’ve worged into Ghost and he might be wandering around most of season 6 in the form of a Dire Wolf.

My proposed story arc is quite long and means for a later time intersection between Brienne, Sansa, Davos and Melisandre. If anything Davos might serve as an instrument of information to Brienne in being able to put down Melisandre since she has protection seemingly from the amulet around her neck. Maybe Brienne’s Valyerian steel sword, Oathbringer, can smite the Red Priestess.

Either way, season 6 ought to be interesting for Ser Davos since he no longer has any allegiances and probably will want to find some measure of revenge for Stannis and Shireen’s demise. I can’t see him soloing the season so him joining with Reek/Theon and Sansa sounds like where his story is heading.

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