Game of Thrones: Deconstructing Potential Spoiler Rumors for Season 7

Reddit’s Freefolk section had a bunch of unconfirmed rumors for the upcoming Season 7. Whether or not they’re true remains to be seen of course. However, I think it’s important to go through and determine which ones look feasible and the implications.

Jon meets Dany at E03. He is summoned by Dany, who wants him to bend the knee, but he refuses. Eventually, with the help of Tyrion, he swears fealty in exchange her help in the war against the WW. Gradually they grow to admire each other and they have sex at the end of episode 7. They will be together for most of the season.

This is a lot to consume all at once. The meeting between Daenerys and Jon Snow is inevitable since they are two of main characters who have yet to meet. However, the context here is pretty far reaching because of how early this encounter seems to happen for season 7. First, Daenerys still needs to reach Westeros and have a base of operation. Since it’s rumored that Yara will be captured by Euron, that seems to imply that Daenerys will have some conflict while at sea. In short, she will have her own problems to contend with before turning her gaze northward.

Next, the early meeting between the two seems to abolish much of the perceived upcoming conflict that might occur between Sansa and Jon Snow. If suddenly Jon decides to go hang out with Daenerys for an entire season, where does that leave Sansa in all of this?

Sansa realises she’s being played by LF (he tries to set the two sisters against each other) by the end of the season with help from Bran. LF won’t survive this. Arya will be the executioner.

Sansa already knows that Littlefinger is playing her. What the author of this rumor fails to mention is their symbiotic relationship to one another. Her situation is more about her past brooding relationship with Jon, the way she assumed Catelyn’s side when it came to viewing her half-brother and how his sudden promotion as King of the North effectively have derailed her own private ambitions and made her uneven around Jon. The look at the end of Season 6 Episode 10 that Littlefinger provides Sansa is one of “I told you so” while Sansa returns with a “you’re right” type of glance.

Sansa isn’t simply a background character; she learns to play in the background as she was instructed by Littlefinger. Just having Arya murder Littlefinger without a solid reason seems like awful writing.

Both Sansa and Arya will survive.

Arya most likely will survive until the end. Sansa is in a very questionable spot mostly because of the precarious position she’s treading in still maintaining her awkward alliance with Littlefinger while containing a growing uncomfortable relationship with Jon. That said, I still think she’s got one massive trick up her sleeve that may lead her to the Iron Throne some day.

Arya has become a “killing machine”. First thing she does this season is kill all the remaining Frey sons. After that she heads towards Winterfell and she encounters Nymeria. She arrives at WF at E04.

While she could very well continue her killing spree against the Freys, it seems like a moot and wasteful point as it does little to build upon her character. The most important Freys already are dead so unless the scene is very brief then it’s just more fan servicing here.

I can see a potential meeting with Nymeria in this coming season. But the detail here is so scant it again sounds like fan servicing. I would be more inclined to believe the author if he mentioned Nymeria with her pack in saving Arya somehow. It’s one of the few key elements that still remain unresolved from the book that ought to be addressed sooner rather than later.

Dorne will be out of the way in the first couple of episodes.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this happened, fan service or not. The entire Dorne plot seemed like a pointless endeavor that ended up getting scrapped once Dan and Dave mishandled the entire section. None of the characters from Dorne outside of Oberyn and Doran Martell have been likeable and with Jessica Henwick going fulltime with Iron Fist, it would seem like an exit strategy. In the meantime, George RR Martin will, of course, have to clean up that mess.

The Wall will fall at the end of the season, while Jon and Dany have sex.

While this wouldn’t surprise me in terms of Dan and David stooping this low in terms of writing, I do believe that they have some dignity because a scene like this just sounds worse than cringe. The mechanics of how The Wall falls are not explained and I seriously doubt that it will occur while these two are boning. I still think that Euron’s “Big Cock” (Dragonbinder) will play a role in tearing down The Wall and none of the spoilers addresses this part yet.

Jon won’t find out his true parentage this season. Bran and Sam will piece it together though.

It was once said that Jon’s parentage would not be revealed until near the end. So this part of the rumor seems feasible. Bran obviously has figured out half of the puzzle. I don’t know why Sam will be involved, at least in the way things are explained here.

My prior belief was that Littlefinger would unveil to Jon his heritage so that the North would disown him, causing him to travel south and meet up with Sam and possibly Daenerys. But that situation was something I envisioned at the end of Season 6 Episode 10 just as he was declared King of the North. However, the way in which the North has decided to support him regardless of his blood pretty much makes Littlefinger’s claim irrelevant because the northerners believe in Jon as a result of his actions.

Dany is going to Dragonstone first. This will happen at the end of E01.

This makes some level of sense but only because of how Aegon in the book decided to take Dragonstone back. So at the very least, Dan and David would be combining a section of the remaining book plot into the TV narrative. Also, it makes sense in that Daenerys requires a base of operation. With Stannis’ forces out of the way, Dragonstone would allow a good spot to start.

I didn’t exactly get that, but it seems that the procedure of bringing the wall down will be a big part of the season.

This is a huge reason why I don’t think these spoilers are 100% accurate. Bringing down The Wall obviously is a huge part of the story. But there are only two logical explanations for how this can occur: 1) Bran passing through The Wall with the mark planted by the Night King allows the Night King the ability to weaken The Wall; 2) Euron’s “Big Cock” (i.e. Dragonbinder) causes one (or all) of Daenerys’ dragons to go AWOL, leading them to destroy it for whatever reason. At any rate, a lack of explanation for such a huge event makes these rumors seem silly.

Viserion will die at the Night’s King hand and be reborn as his mount.

Huh? This makes no sense. Again, too much detail is left out. Why is Viserion even in the North? Why should the dragon cross over The Wall in the first place? The only logical answer is that Dragonbinder fucked Viserion up. I think whoever wrote this up was playing too much Wrath of the Lich King.

Jon’s real name is Aegon. He doesn’t want people to know that he was resurrected. So he stops Davos from telling Dany.

More nonsense. I think someone mentioned that when Lyanna was whispering to Ned in the Tower of Joy scene, she called the baby “Joneleth,” not Aegon. And why would Dan and David use Aegon in the story here as the name? I could see that if this were the books, Aegon might be Jon’s real name. That would make sense because there are clues that the character we’ve been introduced to in the books is an impostor. So the baby that was supposed to have been smashed up by The Mountain was Jon Snow, even though he should’ve belonged to Elia Martell (see how this gets all twisted up?)

But more curious here is that Jon does not want anyone else to know he was resurrected. Why? And why he would he stop Davos from telling Daenerys? That assumes that Davos would even care to reveal to Daenerys that Jon had died. That information wouldn’t serve her nor Jon any good. Just think about this; there’s 2000-5000 wildlings who think he’s a god after witnessing his resurrection. You’re telling me that Jon would be able to keep that many people silent?

Gendry is at KL making weapons. Davos makes a joke about him “still rowing” when he sees him.

This is where the spoilers basically became complete bullshit to me. Of all the details that matter when it comes to what’s been said, the author manages to sneak in the “still rowing” joke into this of all things. This one reminded me of the rumor from Season 6 where Melisandre burnt Ollie to resurrect Jon Snow. This isn’t even fan servicing at this point. It’s just some idiot trying to pull a fast one on people hungry for rumors.

Either way, Gendry’s return to King’s Landing also makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. In the book, Gendry’s plot is split into two different characters, one of which is Gendry and the other is Edric. Now, Edric is the one who rowed off while Gendry stayed behind with the Brotherhood without Banners. It’s possible that Gendry made it to shore eventually and reunited with the Brotherhood but under a masked identity, which could explain why Thoros of Myr and Beric did not reveal him, despite their betrayal. Other than that, there’s very few spots for Gendry to go within reason, although I do think we’ll see him again this season.

Olenna aknowledges that she was behind Joffrey’s assassination.

This one I would believe. The bigger question is who does Olenna reveal this knowledge to? My assumption is Cersei because it’s the only person who would truly care to know about what happened. I suppose the next question is where does that put her relationship with Tyrion? I’m guessing that in the end, it won’t matter as Tyrion was the one who decided to put Myrcella in Dorne, which ended up getting her killed. Also, Tyrion did murder their father, even though secretly Cersei probably thanks Tyrion for that one as she finally obtained what in her heart she truly desired.

In general, I doubt anything would be mended between Tyrion and Cersei, although it could potentially lay some groundwork for Jamie and Tyrion to discuss the implications of Olenna’s treachery in the scheme of things.

Varys doesn’t want the throne. He’s genuinely acting out of a desire to have a king or queen rule that will look out for the interests of the people of Westeros rather than just their own

This doesn’t seem to really be a rumor but a confirmation of the likely path of things. First, the guy who plays Varys talks about how he sincerely believes in Varys’ desire for the good of the realm. Second, in Season 6, we saw how Varys handled the female spy. Because he was shot almost like a viewpoint chapter, we can see how Varys operates on his own. He’s had other similar shots like the one with Ros. These shots, I feel, help establish Varys as someone who does care at the end of the day for the betterment of the realm.

Beric Dondarrion will be killed by the WW

Doesn’t surprise me. Beric’s last scene had him discuss with The Hound about how they were heading north to face the real enemy. But the bigger question is where is The Hound and Thoros in all of that? Will Beric’s death be an event that triggers The Hound into accepting a greater fate/role in the battles to come? I cannot see The Hound as someone whose end game calling is merely Cleganebowl. Despite all THE HYPE surrounding Cleganebowl, in the scheme of things, it’s small compared to what his real fighting skills will be required.

Benjen will make a cameo

Again, a very likely occurrence. Since Bran already had his meaningful encounter with Benjen and is heading south, my guess is that Benjen will finally be reunited with Jon and provide Jon with some keen intel on the White Walkers.

The “Northern girl” will be Alys Karstark.

A very possible rumor. But at this point, it seems unimportant unless it means Littlefinger discovers an ally seeking revenge against Jon Snow. But the way these rumors direct things that does not seem to be the case.

We’ll get a flashback from Rhaegar and Lyanna’s wedding.

Could very well happen. The importance of a scene like this is to see Rhaegar, what he’s like and the events leading up to his doom as well as how this makes Jon an official Targaryen.

Jorah won’t have any scenes at Essos next season. He will be cured at Oldtown by Sam. He reunites with Dany by E05.

I don’t understand why the author was so specific on the Essos location. As for him being cured by Sam, that does sound possible since Daenerys’ commands were pretty vague. I mean, what better place to find a cure than the Citadel itself where Maesters come from?

But the situation in reality is just a big mess since Jorah wasn’t supposed to be the one with greyscale. The person was Jon Connington in the books. While Sam does end up at the Citadel in the books, I can’t really see Jon Connington venture to the Citadel just so that Sam can cure him. The important aspect though is Sam meeting Jorah, providing another connection between Jon Snow and Daenerys down the road (especially since Lyanna Mormont is the one in the show who vouched for Jon’s support as the King of the North).

That said, I kinda wish for Jorah’s situation to turn out far more dire. I can’t see him being 100% cured and when he’s by Daenerys’ side as she retakes Westeros, I see Jorah as a permanent stone statue where he can watch over her permanently in her throne room. There really isn’t any other fitting way for his ending with the way the show is going.

Bran will cross the Wall during E01. He will arrive at WF by E03.

Very likely. I’ve read that Bran does meet up at Castle Black with Edd so perhaps he learns about Jon’s fate and eventual promotion to King of the North. At the same, perhaps Edd gives Bran some assistance in affording him some of the Night’s Watch to escort him to Winterfell.

The Lannisters take on the Martells and the Tyrells pretty easily during the first couple of episodes. Jaime turns out to be a great commander. It seems that Dany and co have an unsuccessful siege of KL.

The timeline here sounds extremely bogus. A couple of episodes? Like 3? Doesn’t that partly contradict other rumors the author has brought up when it comes to Daenerys’ position in Westeros? Also, why say “it seems…have an unsuccessful siege of KL?” You either win or you don’t.

Given that Daenerys will have supposedly the backing of the Tyrells, some of the Greyjoys and Martells on top of her own troops, it would make more sense to have a full out assault on King’s Landing. The way the author describes this situation makes it sound as if the Tyrells and Martells decided to assault Kings Landing on their own, which is absolutely absurd. Why not have the entirety of the Greyjoy fleet who are expert at sea warfare with Tyrion advising them on the strengths and weaknesses of King’s Landing the way he guided the Lannister army in defending against Stannis?

The only aspect that makes any sense here is the desire for Dan and David to finish off the Tyrells and Martells in further reducing the overall number of major players in “the great game.” Olenna really isn’t much at this point beyond verbally assaulting Cersei and everyone virtually hates the remaining Martells. I suppose my biggest problem in all of this is just figuring out what the point of the Martells was at all if their side of the story gets squashed off just because of poor prior execution.

Jon needs to provide proof that the Undead are real. So he goes beyond the Wall with the Hound, Beric, Thoros and Tormund to capture one. They succeed but Beric and Viserion die in the process. They bring the undead to KL (they have a temporary truce with the Lannisters) and they show him to Cersei at the Dragonpit. She loses her shit. She agrees to unite their armies against the WW. But at the last moment, she betrays them and doesn’t send troops, so that the WW will thin out their forces. Jaime is mad and leaves her. He rides North to join the armies.

There’s too much bullshit in this part even though segments do sound valid. The main issue I have is in the details. First, the author mentions that Jon Snow, the Hound, Beric, Thoros and Tormund go north to try to bring evidence of the White Walkers to King’s Landing. Then he says that Beric and Viserion die. When did Jon Snow acquire a dragon? How the hell is Jon supposed to control one of Daenerys’ dragons? Wouldn’t that imply Daenerys has to be with him? She’s not really a “hands on” type so there’s just too much missing detail for this to make any sense.

Also, why does Cersei go to the Dragonpit? Why would she even bother to leave King’s Landing? Sure, the author says that they have a truce, but wouldn’t the details of how that truce came about be more interesting and useful? Cersei is the type to hold a huge grudge and with Sansa up in the North, it’s hard to believe that she would allow the northerners to get away with any mandates against her.

The only part that makes any sense is that Cersei would betray these forces to thin out their herd. But that’s more of a Littlefinger move. However, Littlefinger doesn’t seem to receive much at all beyond getting needlessly killed.

Jamie leaving Cersei is inevitable. In the books, this happens when he refuses to acknowledge her plea while she’s imprisoned. But I don’t think this will be the ultimate catalyst, unless Brienne is killed.

Cersei is pregnant.

How and why? I did read another person’s justification of this as a way for her to control Jamie. If anything it could be her way of saying “fuck prophecy” where she tries to gain control over her own destiny. But again, this really doesn’t seem to have a place in the scheme of things.

Euron’s fleet destroys Yara’s, kills 2 of the Sand Snakes and captures Ellaria. Theon abandons Yara. The ironborn finally lose all respect for him. He has a small reunion scene with Jon. Jon tells him that he won’t kill him because he saved Sansa.

Without question, there will be a siege at sea between Yara’s fleet and most likely Euron’s. And Euron probably will win. Some people have already talked about how Yara gets taken prisoner (although why only prisoner seems silly to me; I think she’s a dead girl). Ellaria really shouldn’t have any power at all but the TV show has skewed the entire Dorne story. Either way, I can’t see why holding Ellaria hostage would be meaningful except to Cersei and/or Jamie if Euron manages to form an alliance with the Lannisters.

I don’t get the Theon abandoning Yara. The wording here is funny. Why does he abandon her? Does she command him to in order to save the Greyjoy name? And as far as the Ironborn losing all respect for Theon, they never really had any for him in the first place. All the respect was for either his sister or Euron. So this is a moot point.

The meetup between Jon and Theon does appear to be true. There have been sightings of the pair together. I do believe that Jon will spare Theon in the end. I still think that Theon will end up at Castle Black and become the new Lord Commander down the road though. So perhaps more seeds will be planted. And if you don’t recall, Theon was suggested to take the Black by Maester Lewyn just before his men betrayed him to the Boltons. And being a Eunuch looking to repair his honor, Theon would make a fitting Lord Commander.

Mel has only a few appearances through the season.

I can believe this one mostly because of how she was pregnant. I’m guessing she may look towards Daenerys in finding a new ally since she has been kicked out of the north.

Dany burns a few rules who didn’t bend the knee, including the Tarlys. Tyrion and Varys worry about her turning into a Mad Queen.

Possible, although I think that Sam ought to be the one dealing with his father’s fate. Also, if Daenerys was unsuccessful in raiding King’s Landing, why should she bother trying to convince other lords that she’s worthy? The only aspect here that makes sense to me is the plot of Daenerys turning into her father.

Tyrion and Jon have a few scenes together.

Likely, but there’s no detail in this. What is Tyrion’s role? How does Jon feel in seeing Tyrion at Daenerys’ side? Will Tyrion finally finish his honeycomb, jackass and brothel story?

Meera heads back home after she delivers Bran at WF.

Highly anti-climatic after all that they’ve been through. Also, where does her father fit in this picture? You would think that since Bran knows about Meera’s father’s involvement at the Tower of Joy, he would want to find her father and ask for help in unveiling more of the Jon Snow puzzle.

At any rate, even if these spoilers turn out to be false, I think they’re interesting because they seem like a blend of the author taking existing information and trying to translate it into a semi-feasible outcome. But without key details, there’s just too many plot holes and fan servicing to make what’s stated sound real. Nonetheless, it’s fun to combine these rumors and insert a few comments on what could be and won’t most likely won’t be happening in season 7.


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