Boom Beach: Is the Subscription Builder Worth $2.99/month?

Supercell just released an optional update to Boom Beach where for $2.99/month (in the US) you can subscribe to gain a second Builder. I want to examine the idea behind this feature and talk about the controversy of this move in this blog post.

I only found out about this feature when I read on the reddit forums that we were going to have an update. Curious, I loaded up both accounts and applied the update, although I couldn’t immediately check it out until I woke up (I saw the update around 3 or 4am). Essentially, you go to the Shop icon and can purchase the Builder as a subscription fee.

Obviously, the Builder can be beneficial to people looking to really push their base up fast. While one building it being upgraded or built, you can start another. If you’re someone constantly laden with resources but don’t have enough Diamonds to reduce the time, the second builder comes in handy. The primary use case that I see here is for new accounts where catching up to team mates and friends within a Task Force can find this tremendously beneficial. The other use case is the one I just mentioned where someone who wants to push harder and faster can go on those extra raids to get the next set of upgrades.

Where this feature is completely useless is mostly end game players; that is, those players who have maxed out their bases or come close to maximizing what they have. Also, if you’re a slower player (turtle/non-rusher) then this feature isn’t for you. For someone like myself who just gathers enough resources for their next upgrade, I feel that this feature has no purpose. It may have a transient purpose once I hit HQ 20 just because I’ll gain my last Landing Craft as well as two more defenses that will all need to be leveled. I’m not even considering the other massive upgrades like Sculptor, Armory, Landing Crafts level 20, etc.

And the keyword is transient as this feature is better off in certain circumstances. The example Supercell has cited is the Mega Crab, although they have mentioned that the increase in methods for gaining resources makes this feature higher in demand.

So, where the feature is controversial on the forums is mostly in the paywall limitation, not to mention temporary addition as a result of the subscription fee. Essentially, it’s a typical “pay 2 win” type of deal as many hardcore players like to consider this type of feature.

The other aspect is that this feature is something that originally was placed under the category of “not under consideration” in terms of off limit features on Supercell’s forums for ideas. The payment aspect essentially adds a sort of “insult to injury” feeling and Supercell was quick to delete this note. What they claim though is that this feature has been in high demand and that due to the increase in resource gains, they figured it was about time.

Before delving into my opinion in all of this, I want to describe the future implications. Will this feature unbalance the game? Truthfully, I don’t really see it happening. Yes, some players with the funds will be able to push their bases far faster. In most cases, in my opinion, the vast majority will be lower level bases struggling to catch up. I think this is a good thing for the game’s health as it encourages more activity that will hopefully enable more players to delve into the end game faster.

The problem with a long term grinding game like Boom Beach is that most players will end up quitting long before even reaching the middle stage. All my friends never even made it past level 10 or 11 and I’m attributing it to the similarities to Clash of Clans (for which a few of my friends already had heavily invested bases). When they looked at Boom Beach, they probably thought it was the same thing with another boring grind. Although I doubt any of them would purchase the 2nd builder, the idea is that it is there for people who want to give it a try. And I think a lot of people end up missing out o the fun aspects of the game because the early grind is very discouraging, especially for those who do not understand the mechanics.

Some people are discussing how resources from raiding PVP bases will alter now with the second builder. Honestly, I feel that it won’t change much. I think a small portion of the player base might give the subscription feature a try. But I feel that people in general look at subscriptions suspiciously, especially considering for a freemium game like Boom Beach. The true audience will be hardcore players who understands what the game has to offer and are trying to level up new bases or maximizing those that they have. So while the resources might be slightly lower, the overall picture probably won’t change too drastically.

The way I substantiate that claim even further is that most people still play in what I view as the “casual meta.” That is, they still do the hybrid offense/defensive play style as indicated by the mixture of high end defenses and green/blue statues on their bases. People in the know would just go strictly offensive, meaning that they would be taking advantage of the builder situation to really push their base so they can eventually do more end game content like Operations and Leaderboard climbing. Because the vast majority will likely be apathetic casuals, there’s a less chance that they would spend a dime on a game like this.

For myself, I feel that this feature is a real mixed bag. It’s like anything, a simple feature with a cost associated to it. The cost is pretty low but at the moment I do not see a justifiable reason to spend. My style of play is to just grab enough resources for an upgrade and spend it once I have enough. For something like HQ 20 with the additional buildings and upgrades, this feature could come in handy on my main, which I have invested into due to my desire to push a little more on that account. But I simply think that I can do fine with or without this feature. It’s more like a “nice to have” when the time is right.

I’ve seen other players really hate on this feature though. I think the ones that have stuck it out from day one are the most insulted. Although I can see why, you have to understand that it’s still just a game and that Supercell is a business. If I had to start from scratch, I doubt I would subscribe to this feature, even having all my gained knowledge from playing at a higher level. I’m in the middle ground with this game where I am emotionally invested but I don’t want to push myself too much. If I hit another wall, I might consider but there’s not enough available where this game compels me one way or another just yet.



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