Boom Beach: New Update Dropped with HQ24!

This morning, a new Boom Beach update dropped with HQ 24. I had been playing pretty regularly since the HQ 23 update but didn’t bother writing about it as I found that last update to be not too exciting. However, I think it was time for a blog that combines the HQ 23 update experience for me thus far with the HQ 24 update.

The HQ 23 update was a little lackluster to me, although we did receive a new troop in the form of the powerful Bombardier. Although during this time I had upgraded all my troops, I did not opt to use the Bombardier as I still have been focused on my classic Tank-Grenadier-Medic load out.

Beyond the new troop type, the HQ 23 update was mostly a defense oriented update for my play style. The LC upgrade to 23 only benefited Riflemen and Warriors, neither of which I use. So for me the only real meaningful upgrade was the Armory, since it would boost my general damage and troop defense.

The HQ 24 update is a bit more offensive. First, the major news is the new Mech troop. It’s a big one that looks comparable to a short ranged Scorcher in terms of size and some health. I think like the Scorcher, it has a troop size of 14 (for which I believe the Scorcher also had a massive reduction). I’m not sure what the offense is just yet outside of it being a short ranged type that’s slow.

Now, I say that HQ 24 is more offensive because the LC upgrade is going to provide a large amount of additions to the various troop types. Besides, the Riflemen, upgrading to LC 24 will provide increases to Zookas, Heavies, Cryos, Mechs and Scorchers. The Scorchers one feels huge to me and the energy required to deploy will be lowered. I’m hoping that alone will make playing Scorchers worth it since they really haven’t been meta.

Also, from what I know, the Gunship will be upgradeable and provide +1 energy (not huge except for min-maxers), the Vault will see a new level (bringing up resource protection by +2% or 90% overall) and the Sculptor will receive a new level that will allow one to have another statue, which is pretty big news.

The HQ 24 only will provide another boom mine, shock mine and boom cannon (from what I saw) and most of the standard upgrades for base defenses except the Shock Launcher. Also, Residences will be upgradeable along with all storage facilities. I do think that the 6th Boom Cannon will be a huge deal since a good portion of attacks that I’ve received in the past have been from T-Meds. So I’m hoping another Boom Cannon will dissuade people from assaulting my base (especially since I’ve managed to upgrade a fair number of defenses up to this point).

I think my strategy once Friday hits will be to make a big push to get HQ 24, although it might be tough with the 5 million in resources. I’m close with Iron and Wood but my Stone is half that at this point in time. After that I would say that it’ll be a toss up between my Armory and Sculptor. I think my Armory will have the bigger priority depending on the cost just so that I can continue upgrading my offenses. But the Sculptor is definitely my 3rd upgrade so that I can re-deploy a waiting Resource Reward statue that has been sitting in my Storage for a while.

The pain point will be getting to LC 24. Currently, the cost is quite high and without a doubt, the next level is going to be higher. Hence, why the RR statue will be playing a huge role. Since I focused almost exclusively on defenses for HQ 23, the LC upgrade path will be a real grind, although initially I won’t require it because of my main load out style.

Now, the real question is what troop combinations will become a thing with the mech troop? The new troop has a LOT of health but it’s slow and has little range. Off the top of my head, I’m guessing that Bombardiers will play a role. Perhaps, the combination will be along the lines of 3 Mech LCs, 3 Bombardier LCs, 2 Med LCs and the Doctor. I can see something like this becoming the new Grank-Med meta.

What about how LC 24 will affect other load outs? The only major one that I think will be impacted will be Scorchers. Double Scorchers sounds like a real nasty situation. We’re talking 16 Scorchers, which might sound great on paper, but will require a lot of energy and defensive statues to be worth it. I’m not sure what would be a good hero to compliment this load out. Perhaps, the doctor or Pvt Bullit?

I think other load outs like Cryo-Riflemen-Zooka-Med or Cryo-Riflemen-Bombardier-Med will see only a minor adjustment. Since I don’t really play those, I don’t know how effective they’ll be. Generally, the advantage of going with a tankier troop like my Grank-Med load out is minimal casualties (usually none), which means zero downtime between assaulting bases. I might consider giving a different load out a try (e.g. Cryo-Heavies-Bombardier-Med).

Overall, I’m happy with this coming update. I wish I had managed to finish upgrading the rest of my base but this update gives me plenty to work towards.


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