Boom Beach: Re-Installed on My Phone and Getting HQ24

So I decided to say fuck it with the HQ24 on my main account and bought enough resources to get me close to the HQ24 upgrade then applied the free instant building completion to finish it off. Felt it was a good move to position me for the next two weeks.

I gave the situation some thought on the HQ24 update and figured it was worth the money. What I realized this morning as well was that my Mech was upgradeable in my Armory. However, it would take 4 days or so to finish, putting me near Friday/Hammerman resource day. With next week most likely being a Mega Crab event, I figured I could wait on my Armory and attempt to focus on upgrading my Sculptor for this Friday.

The idea here is that I can still upgrade my new Mech troop while waiting for the Mega Crab event. However, my eye is on the Resource Reward 11th statue which will be even more useful since I have a 41% one saved in my Storage. With all the new upgrades available at tremendous cost, the Resource Reward statue will prove invaluable more than any other upgrade after HQ24.

After those get upgraded, I think Landing Crafts will be the next major goal. I think those are going to end up being the most costly from what I’ve seen. However, the potential for 2 Mechs, 2 Scorchers, etc. make the LC24 worth the pursuit, especially now that I’m officially behind by 2 levels on each LC. I imagine that at their cost, it’ll take roughly 1-2 weeks to upgrade per LC.

One thing I forgot to mention in my previous blog was the new Classified Items feature. They are best described as those potions from Clash of Clans. But their main purpose is to help with resources and building completion and are tied to the Trader and submarine dives. From what I’ve read, Classified Items should motivate one to upgrade their resource storage buildings in the situation that they discover a Classified Item since some will fill up your storage to the maximum. For a resource like Iron, this is a huge deal.

With that in mind, I feel that the priorities for upgrades might shift a little. Definitely, upgrading Iron and Stone Storage buildings will be a big deal for me as some of the HQ24 related upgrades can cost 5 million+ units. So hitting a Classified Iron, for instance, might mean the difference of a week or two in waiting for a major upgrade.

But I project that this update will make players a lot more focused on being offensive. The cost for upgrades are pretty high which should push people in doing frequent raids. Usually, the pattern for the offensive player has been to just get enough resources for an upgrade. For myself, that means hitting 5* to get the bonus and not exceeding that number except in exceptional circumstances.

With the HQ24 update, the amount of resources will definitely push people harder. I think with HQ23, outside of the Armory, there really wasn’t a lot of offensive parts really providing enough motivation to go strictly offense. So for myself I didn’t need to change strategies much. Also, the upgrade costs were still reasonable, where a week of work would provide a solid defense.

HQ24 offers a much higher damage potential in my view and more reasons to be aggressive. Also, I think as players start edging from the level 67+, the need for better offense is going to increase. For myself, I’m seeing a lot of bases with pretty solid defenses. I’m not sure how well my Grank-Med load out will do but the 6th Boom Cannon worries me, especially when combined with other anti-tank prototypes like Doom Cannons or Grapplers which would exceed my ability to destroy with GBE.

I still don’t know how Mechs will be used neither. I’ve been told that Mech-Bombardier-Medics aren’t great due to the short range of Mechs compared to Tanks, which put Medics in danger. Also, I don’t know how effective all Scorchers will be. The only thing I can fathom is the extremely high GBE cost for a full load out.

One thing I do know is that I will need all the resources I can muster. So I re-installed Boom Beach on my phone device in order to do Operations again. While I won’t attempt to build up a proper Task Force, I feel that the occasional Diamonds and additional resources will be required no matter what on this update.

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