Boom Beach: HQ25?

I’ve been reading the reddit forums as well as perusing various YouTube comments and it seems that HQ25will be a thing. I saw a video which implied HQ25 where one of the upgrades mentioned requiring HQ25. The questions are when will it drop and what will drop with it?

Judging by the HQ23 and HQ24 updates, I’m guessing that HQ25 will be defensive oriented since HQ 24 was more offensive oriented. I can’t see any major upgrades beyond the standard troop levels, defense and building upgrades. A higher level Landing Craft will probably only affect Riflemen from the upgrade patterns.

So I’m guessing that few new defensive buildings might be provided. The best bet I can think of logically will be another Machine Gun and/or Rocket Launcher. Perhaps more mines will be provided.

Instead, there might be a major new feature or troop introduced. Maybe a prototype trooper might be converted over such as the helicopter one. Or maybe there’ll be new Gunship abilities that’ll such as the Speed Serum one, except made permanent and upgradeable.

What about expanding the map? While I do think there needs to be more general content, I’m also on the fence of where stuff like that should go. Expanding the map would be nice as I would like to see more NPC bases. But probably those would have to be at a higher level.

Also, I would like to see another addition to the meta game like Hammerman or Dr T’s Island, etc. I think the more levels we get for base upgrades, the more sources for obtaining resources we’ll need. On the other hand, doing a two week grind might be better compared to fast rushes. But I am speaking as someone with a reasonably high level pair of bases.

Now, a major game changer would be adding a new Landing Craft. I don’t think it should be out of the question either because of the way LCs are provided X number of HQ levels. And judging by the rate of LCs, I’d say we would be due for a new one around HQ25.

At any rate, I hope we’ll see more progressive changes and not just lame ones as we get more updates. I think the game has improved although the general progress has been slow. But the last two updates were reasonably significant on top of within a close time span considering it’s Supercell.

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