Boom Beach: Warrior Attacks

My main base got attacked twice within a 24 period by Warriors. I figure at my current defense, most other attacks might prove futile. But it is interesting to see them come about since up until now, I’ve been infrequently assaulted.

The result was putting down my Doom Cannon level 3 to further dissuade more attacks. I figure with the new HQ24, the motivation for hitting bases will be a lot higher, especially as people probably will want to see the new Mech troop used in full.

But outside of those with excess resources (and deep pockets), I suspect that most people won’t be getting any use from a fully loaded Mech group just yet. Similarly, with Scorchers, I cannot fathom the full 16 Scorcher load out to be employed in the near future both because of the high cost in upgrading ones Landing Crafts as well as the very high cost in GBE (128).

Pretty much as we head towards Friday, I predict I won’t have enough resources to get the new Sculptor by then. I think even by the end of this weekend, I might be short unless I can get lucky with some Trader crates that give me resources in the millions or if I can find a Classified Iron and/or Stone component.

Again, the immediate goal in the next few days is to rush my Sculptor then prepare for the Mega Crab next week. The Mega Crab will be used for my Armory upgrade. Until then, I will try to do 1-2 more Mech upgrades since my Armory will have some down time until the upgrade materials are ready.

For my secondary account, I think I should have enough materials by Friday for the HQ23. I might be initially low but will ultimately use a good chunk of Diamonds to fill the remaining amount. In this manner, my secondary account should be ready for the Mega Crab next week to push for an Armory upgrade as well.

Once those upgrades are complete, I think my main will go Vault -> LCs mixed with Storage -> Gunship while my secondary account will go Storage -> LCs. I’m guessing the LCs are going to become exceptionally painful to upgrade, taking 1.5-2 weeks with the exception of Mega Crab weekends mixed with Trader crates.

Given that the time difference between HQ23 and HQ24 was roughly 9 months, I think that should be ample time to get the bulk of my bases upgraded before the next major update, although my secondary account will be fairly behind. We’ll have to see how much the new Classified Items will take into account for improving the overall time to upgrade. But I feel those items might be rare. Thus far, I have not witnessed any appear on my maps.

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