Boom Beach: Upgraded Sculptor and Hit War Hero Achievement on My Main Account!

Finally, I hit an old achievement of War Hero on my main account. Ended up with 601 VP as I made a pretty big push to make a grab for the level 9 Sculptor on my main account. 1000 Diamonds is a very satisfying reward indeed.

I noticed that my Iron and Wood met the minimal requirements for a level 9 Sculptor and that I was but 1 million Stones away from being able to upgrade. However, I was sitting at 589 VP at the end of my normal Imitation Game day run. I felt that with all the recent attacks and the ability to use a chunk of the War Hero reward for the Sculptor upgrade, it made it worth doing this big push.

What this does is set me up for next Friday where we have the Mega Crab. By then I should be able to plop down a saved up 41% RR statue and really take advantage of both Imitation Game and the Mega Crab rewards as I save up through out this coming week for a level 24 Armory. I’ve got a pretty big resource submarine dive so I’m certain by the coming week, I should be ready to have my Armory upgraded.

After that, I plan to upgrade my Vault just to get that extra 2% protection for my resources. Then it’ll be a very long grind as I push my Landing Craft to level 24. I think the way I might handle those is to push one LC at a time to level 24. That’s because LC 23 doesn’t really provide me with any major benefit as I use neither Riflemen nor Warriors. But I would really like to give Scorchers and Mechs a try in the future.

My secondary account I’m thinking to upgrade a few resource storage spaces up until the Mega Crab. Right now, I started upgrading my Wood Storage as I know that it’ll fill up next week. From there, I think my Gold Storage would be a good candidate. The Wood Storage isn’t too costly which makes it a good choice here.

Of course, as I’ve mentioned before the real goal is to do a big push for my HQ24 on my secondary account. The level 9 Sculptor is just too big of an upgrade to pass up, even for the level 23 Armory. Both of my bases nearly have a similar statue arrangement except where my main uses another +17% GBE statue while my secondary has the RR statue. Not having that GBE statue makes a giant difference.

On the other hand, it will still take time to get both the HQ24 and level 9 Sculptor. In fact, I might need to upgrade my Armory before that point. So I guess it really depends on how far I can progress next Friday. I can feel the much lower DPS as a result of not having the level 23 Armory offerings from my Artillery and Barrage capabilities.

I think the LC grind part won’t be a big thing for me initially. I haven’t seen any major Scorcher nor Mech attacks and I feel that until the majority of players can get their LCs to 24, I won’t be seeing those types of attacks for a while. And even if I do, I predict that they might not be great. The Scorcher just takes up too much GBE to do a full deploy. I suspect that Scorchers will be accompanied by another troop type, although I have yet to see what might show up.

Mechs, I believe, will take a while before someone figures out what the play is. I think part of that will involve having maximum level LCs since by themselves, they do not appear very strong. My gut instinct says that the meta for them might either be pure Mech or 4 Mechs + 4 Bombardiers. I heard Medics do not work out well for Mechs compared to tanks and there might be bugs with the healing aspect. However, 8 Mechs might provide enough cover for Bombardiers, which should out range everything except Shock Launchers, Doom Cannons, Shock Blasters and Grapplers.

At any rate, I’m quite happy with the Sculptor results along with my latest achievement. There’s not a lot of achievements remaining for my main account but that was a huge one.

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