These Protests Don’t Make A Lot of Sense For Me

Not the cause by the methods by which they are doing them. I’ve been keeping up with the protests for the BLM (and others such as Belarus) and keep thinking that the protestors’ methodology are completely wrong.

The message isn’t wrong in spirit. But the change that they want won’t happen because the elite don’t have it in their play books. As far as I can interpret things, the primary change at hand is defunding the police. While the idea makes sense on paper, in practice I cannot see the elite ever truly doing what these protestors desire.

I’ve read some literature and ideas on how this should be handled. The essence is to get rid of the unions, which hold a great deal of power, de-militarize the police and break down the uses of police into separate scenario specific groups. Of course, there’s also increased accountability which includes less protections for police criminal actions, more transparency especially with regards to body camera footage, etc.

Again, I find the dream of the change to be impossible simply because of the connection between the elite and the police. The elite simply want an unthinking force that they can mobilize at will to protect their ideologies, system and property. Hence, the training of police leave them into unthinking, unfeeling, robotized war dogs. Perhaps, not all of them are like this but it’s hard to justify the behavior of a group that won’t obey laws that they are meant to uphold.

Second, even besides the police, you still have the national guard and other types of enforcement. And even if you did not have those, there would be private militarized defense. If you ask me, the elite’s dream is something along the lines of Robocop where there is no emotion and complete obedience with overrides only programmable by those that control them.

So that’s why I feel the philosophical idea of defunding the police by itself is impractical. It’s like how any crook handles things; once they discover that the plot is foiled, they simply seek out another opportunity, which in this case would probably be private militarized police.

Next, the other major impractical aspect of these protests are the actual methodologies. To me the way these protests are handled is literally the definition of insanity. In short, every day these people return to rally in a “peaceful” protests but nothing changes. All it does is deplete resources on both sides. But the elite won’t ever budge because they do not want to ever relinquish control. Yet their resources and wills are unlimited whereas the protestors are limited.

The other major flaw is that a lot of these protests are pretty pathetic in terms of organization. They’ve gotten better at handling certain aspects of riot squads like tear gas. But they do little beyond washing their eyes out, throwing back the gas, etc. I suppose the best way to put is that the only people that they are hurting are themselves.

Now, the better way of handling the situation is to gather a monstrous mass of people then charge at the riot squads. From what I’ve seen, the riot squads themselves will never surpass the number of protestors if the protestors form a sturdy line. But a single, hard paced charge could easily overtake the riot squad.

The next step is the critical one: just like in role playing games, you always loot the armor and weapons. Didn’t people watch The Dark Knight Rises? Call me corny but an organized group of armed people are going to make the elite run off. You keep iterating on this aspect until you become the armed militia. That’s how you run a coup.

And if you don’t want to risk ones life, organize a car rally. Get semi’s or large vehicles to use as battering rams. Being on foot against other law enforcement puts you on equal ground.

Also, don’t assault things that just damage your own community. I saw a library burnt down in a livestream tonight, which made no sense. Similarly, small businesses that have nothing to do with the core issues. Target the stock exchange, mansions, government official homes, etc. Those are the ones that you want listening and be frightened into submission.

Next, hold a trial by the people. French Revolution style was to behead the corrupt rulers. The difference is that you can publicize these acts with video now to demonstrate the seriousness of the situation. I can guarantee you that the elite will listen then. If not they’ll simply run away to other hideouts but at least they’ll be out of this country.

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