Boom Beach HQ25 Beastly Mega Crab Weekend

What is dubbed the hardest Mega Crab has come around. No boost, no aid. Just you against the Crab. In addition, this round of Tribal Boosts has been quite pathetic with just Medics receiving a boost for their healing (although Warriors might feel privileged but that normally doesn’t apply to Mega Crabs). So we’ll see how we’ll go.

On both accounts, I managed to complete the stage 7 Imitation Game. But even then with the HQ25 upgrades being incredibly costly, I found that it did little to impact what I needed for my goal this weekend, which was get enough resources to start a Landing Craft level 25. I even had some juicy PVP bases that did little. Luckily, the Mega Crab has provided a fair amount of resources, so I decided to take advantage of going full offensive boosts and push until I had enough resources to start those Landing Craft upgrades.

But that makes me realize that from here on out, it might take at least 8 months minimal to get all my Landing Craft upgraded to level 25. The sheer amount of Iron and Stone is quite ridiculous and until the map gets upgraded, I doubt any future Landing Craft upgrades will be much easier. The alternative would be to rely on the luck of finding Classified Resource Plans for the getting the resources. Like my secondary account has an Iron Plan but I’m saving that and might wait until I find a Stone Plan to use that along with the Wood Plan for upgrading my Landing Craft.

I still have quite a bit of Trader Tickets, including the ones from the Warship Seasons I have been farming. So possibly on Sunday, I will do another full boost round and do another Mega Crab push. But without the normal aid from Tribal Boosts and other bonuses from the Mega Crab, I suspect this won’t go swimmingly. But if I can, I would like to try and go for a second Landing Craft upgrade before this Mega Crab ends just to get it out of the way in case HQ26 drops, which I predict will allow for +1 medics, thus helping my current load out.

Speaking of Warships, the next season will come out after this Mega Crab. I probably will play for the first night just to get my ranking back up to the point where I can farm some extra Trader Tickets and Diamonds. There’s really no other point to do Warships beyond those rewards (unless you’re rich and don’t mind wasting money for the Instant Training garbage).

At any rate, there’s still no word on the next update. Originally, I had thought that the updates would all drop this month but it looks like they’ll be spreading it out. Supercell is pretty piss poor when it comes to communicating with the community so the only people who are in the know either use their Discord, have access to the developer builds or are one of the content creators, which tend to be both situations. And thus far, nothing has been mentioned, which I’m thinking they’ll just spread it in between months to give the perception of regular updates.

The only one that matters to me is the Weapon Lab one since that will alter the defensive meta drastically. One thing I wanted to say was that Monday’s Hammerman Strikes Back event was far harder than I’ve ever seen it. My main account front loaded defense got wrecked and I only managed to win by the skin of my teeth as the last Bombardier just ran out of time. I still had a few more defenses left but I was relying more on mines which the little fucker didn’t step on.

On the other hand, my 4th Rocket Launcher on my main account is now complete so that ought to help a lot going forward for those events. I still need one last upgrade on my secondary account but we’ll have to see how this weekend turns out. I have yet to open any Trader Tickets since restarting Boom Beach on my secondary account, so if I hit a wall on the Mega Crab, I might resort to popping tickets in the hopes for some juicy resource packages.

I did have to pop my resource boats though for a few upgrades. So for the rest of the coming month, I’m going to be pretty lean when it comes to upgrades. I think waiting for a good 2 months to pop resource boats plus Imitation Game Day will be enough to potentially get higher end upgrades like the Boom Cannon or Landing Craft. So that’s another strategy for trying to rush my Landing Craft without having to depend on Mega Crab events.

At any rate, given the amount of resources needed to perform just one upgrade per week, I suspect that we won’t see another HQ update for at least 9 months. I have a feeling that Supercell waits until most players get enough of their current HQ upgraded then once they have their base maxed out, Supercell might wait 1-2 months before dropping their next update.

One thing I am thinking though is seeing the parallel between Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. While they aren’t the exact same game, the mechanics are similar enough where I think one can borrow from the other. But the idea I think they might try to use is the Pet House. I like the idea of having a complimentary Pet (like a vehicle) being assignable to a Hero to help provide additional abilities. Like the Unicorn type with healing might go well with Pvt Bullit just because it would make him pretty unstoppable. Or perhaps, something like the Electro Owl which can speed up the Hero and maybe their attacks (e.g. faster activation of Critters from Cpt Everspark)

At any rate, this was a good start to the Mega Crab event for me. It would be great having at least two Landing Craft for each account receiving upgrades. It’s probably a waste compared to a max level Boom Cannon but I don’t want to get into that situation again like HQ23 where I fell too far behind my Landing Craft upgrades. And I really can’t imagine what the cost of LC26 will be like down the road outside of super painful.

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