Boom Beach Warships Season of the Heroes and Update 2/3 Tomorrow!

Now, that the Mega Crab event is over, Warships Season 27 is out with the focus being on choosing a Hero. Along with that it was just announced via the developer’s build that update part 2 for HQ25 is actually coming out tomorrow. So in this post, I will talk about both as well as the Tribal Boosts going on for the next two weeks.

I decided for once to spend the early morning trying to get my Warships into a reasonable spot. The big challenge was getting to Heavies since both accounts had been inactive and dropped tremendously in ranks. You start off pretty bad with Riflemen and pretty much need to start split dropping with tons of lost troops. So getting that initial first chest is crucial so you can unlock Heavies and start doing the Heavy-Rush meta.

On my main account, I got obliterated by one base and was forced to wait out for my forces to regenerate. It’s a near death trap waiting too long in the first part of a season but I managed to get some shitty bases that allowed me to progress to Heavies. Right now, the 2ER meta has formed with split Heavies being the key.

However, around rank 9-10, you’ll start seeing a wall because of how beefy the defenses get. So for chest farming, you could just go Heavy-Zooka with splitting to avoid too many losses just to get your opponents’ defenses down faster. But you probably won’t be as fast.

I did op for more defenses which could have been a mistake rather than rushing to 3ER and grabbing a hero. So I might just stay in 2ER for a while and farm up keys to wait and unlock a few nodes on the tech tree. Depends on how motivated I am because I managed to get to a point where I could theoretically just farm chests in 2ER for a while as I accumulate keys.

So while that’s going on, the real pieces of news is that the 2nd update to HQ25 will be dropping tomorrow. The sneak peak from a few content creator videos have shown that this update will include both a Statue Storage level as well as a Sculptor level. The Statue Storage will probably be my last priority in all of the upgrades as this is more for really high level Boom Beach players. But the Sculptor level increase is pretty big because it will put our total statue count to a whopping 12.

With my current statue setup, I’m thinking that this next statue ought to be either a Troop Health or Resource Reward Guardian statue. Troop Health will be better long term given that the upper bases are going to be beefier and my tanks will get battered quite heavily. However, given the massive cost increase of all the HQ25 updates, a Resource Reward statue might be more viable. The only level 73 player on the leaderboards currently employs a huge chunk of RR statues, which explains how fast he moved up the rankings. So an RR 20% statue for Mega Crab or Imitation Game days are going to be pretty much necessary if you want to push your upgrades faster.

The other things I saw from this particular update were another level to Warriors and Smoke Screen. Neither really appeal to me as I still would prefer more levels for Tanks and Scorchers. But if we see additional levels for Warriors, I would think that Tanks and Scorchers will receive some benefit for the last HQ25 update. At least for me, by the time the 3rd update hits, I should have most of my Armory upgraded.

Of course, with this reveal we still do not see the Weapon Lab upgrade with the 4th prototype. Perhaps, Supercell is waiting to drop that since it will be a very hefty boost to defenses. And even with the +1 statue and some of these later troop upgrades, I don’t know how that will compete against a good 4th prototype on a base.

That said, today’s Hammerman’s Strikes Back was particularly brutal. Pretty much I used my front loaded, anti-gren, anti-bombardier base for 6 of the 7 levels. On my secondary account where my 4th Rocket Launcher is under construction, I got bashed pretty hard on the last two levels. So with a 4th prototype and 4 maxed out Rocket Launchers, I could see myself using a Damage Amplifier with that cluster. Add the Tribal Boost Rocket Launcher damage and those last two levels would have gone down like melted butter.

Speaking of Tribal Boosts, the next two weeks ended up being quite disappointing. What we’re looking at is:

  • Rocket Launcher damage
  • Flamethrower health
  • Gold Production
  • Power Stones Chance
  • Riflemen Health
  • Zooka Speed

So for myself, I only opted for the Power Stone Chance. While the Rocket Launcher damage sounds nice, I’d prefer to save my resources for something better.

At any rate, with the update coming out tomorrow, I think I’m going to attempt to rush the Sculptor on my secondary account. I don’t think I’ll have enough resources on my main though to get one until Friday. But I think I should be able to procure one for my secondary account by Wednesday. In the meantime, I’m going to start working on RR statues in preparation for the update.

Final Thoughts

I am quite surprised at the new level to the Sculptor. The Statue Storage update does nothing for me. But the +1 statue is huge. That being said, I have to wonder if/when an HQ26 update drops whether or not we will have any hope for a 9th Landing Craft. What I mean by that is the additional defense upgrades and prototypes will require something else beyond just increases to troop levels and a +1 to statues. Even another +17% GBE statue or +14 TD statue won’t make much of a difference for high powered bases compared to a 9th Landing Craft.

And just as an example, I know with a 9th Landing Craft, I would probably use it for Grenadiers once again to be a mine clearer, which has become the thing eating up the vast majority of my GBE lately. I could even swap out Capt Everspark for Dr Kavan given that the next level of Landing Crafts should bring my total number of Medics to 6. Then I could even do two boats of Grenadiers which would really help on a lot of higher level bases, complimenting my Bombardier’s damage with the ability to knock out mines and clusters of buildings.


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