Boom Beach HQ25 Another Rain(y) Maker Day

Day 2 of the Rain Maker week. In some ways for me, it was ironic and symbolic as we had a small random bunch of thunder showers last night until early this morning. Lot of booms last night almost mimetic of what’s going on for this week.

Did the Dr T Tropical Island. Only got to stage 6 where stage 7 started pushing through too many front loaded, heavy defenses. Decided not to press my luck and hope that the next two major events will be more forgiving on the beach defenses. No upgrades so far for buildings but I’m waiting for tomorrow and definitely Friday. I did manage to start upgrading my Kavan on my secondary account, which might be too little too late. Progress is progress though. I might do a major map clear on Friday as I will be doing a full boost then and have significantly more GBE.

Still working on trying to craft +20% Resource Reward statues. Along the way, I’m going to try crafting good Ice Statues as I anticipate replacing them for 2 additional Resource Reward statues in the short term. Anything over 30% will be considered a win in my book until I’m upgraded. Then my Ice statues that I craft will go into storage until I’m ready for HQ26.

I got to 3ER on Warships and actually am grinding through. The Pvt Bullit meta I think is good for those who are going for rankings and have Instant Training. For the rest of us, the meta is Capt Everspark with Heavy Zooka. I’m doing a 6/2 HZ loadout because I find that it feels reasonable, but I have read that most people are doing 4/4. That makes sense given that you probably can clear faster with 4/4 and lose less troops if you really know what you’re doing.

My current strategy is just to farm chest when they pop up. I unlocked Shock Bombs today and maxed out my Gunboat. So my next goal is to unlock Boom Cannons. That requires one more chest so I’ll probably do that next, try to get 3-4 Boom Cannons then work towards the building choice node and choose Cannons while I farm out more keys to get to Troop Damage. After that I might farm for a while in 3ER to build up keys and get some other nodes like Building Damage raised up higher before venturing into 4ER.

4ER looks brutal without Barrage. Since you’ll start encountering bases with Rocket Launchers while facing Rocket Choppers or Seekers. I haven’t tried either and feel it might get brutal around then without some form of healer. I don’t want to go back for Kavan. Not sure if I can make it to 5-6ER. In some way, I’d like to just because the idea of Heavy Choppas is a lot of fun. But the path there looks brutal.

Other than that, it’s just a slow painful grind as always.

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