Boom Beach HQ25 Update 3 Coming This Week!

The first developer build containing the final update for the HQ25 series is dropping sometime this week. I got a preview of what’s to be expected along and will go into the update in this blog. First, I will discuss some small upgrades I managed and what I’m saving for.

For today’s normal blog, I want to talk about just general goings on with my HQ25 progress. On my main account, I had managed to get enough resources with the help of a large resource boat plunder to get a 3rd level 25 Landing Craft. So that marks my main account being one building behind my secondary account.  I easily completed all 7 stages of Dr T’s Volcano Island so that along with some easy NPC bases, it was nice getting another Landing Craft level.

However, in the process, I filled up my Gold storage. With the update coming out this week including Tanks, Everspark and Critters, I’m pretty much going to hold onto as much Gold as possible to get Tanks rolling. I believe it’ll be over 9 million in Gold. So anything left over will probably be used for Everspark in parallel.

So let’s talk about the next set of upgrades since I touched on a few from the Armory:

  • Proto & Weapon Lab // +1 proto you can place / +1 level – There’s actually two levels (level 7 max) that you will need to obtain before getting to place a +1 prototype. I’m not sure what the level 6 Lab will entail. But most likely, I will be prioritizing the Weapon Lab should the update drop before the Mega Crab.
  • Rocket Launcher // +1 level – This is going to be very costly, almost as much as the Boom Cannons. But I imagine this will be one of the best upgrades to get.
  • Shock Launcher // +1 level – More health and 0.2 seconds added to the shock effect
  • Tank // +1 level – Very big for me on both accounts. I’m also saving up my Diamonds to do some Instant completes just to make use of these for the Mega Crab.
  • Scorcher // +1 level – Will be big once Life Leech takes effect for Scorchers.
  • Cryoneer // +1 level – The big thing is the beam extension.
  • Mech // +1 level – This I will talk about as Mechs are getting a slight overhaul
  • Everspark // +1 level – Besides health and damage increases, the critter spawn rate will increase as well. Should really help my situation since I use Everspark in my combo.
  • Critters // +1 level – 15 Critters total. This will be great, especially when we get +50% Critters from Tribal Boosts. So again another major priority.

Most of this was expected and the +1 to Shock Launchers’ level is going to be massive. For myself, the big priority will be getting that level 7 Weapon Lab for the +1 prototype defense. I can see myself using a combination of Sky Shield + Damage Amplifier with the 4 Rocket Launchers. I have a feeling that will be a lethal combination. Also, I might start using at least 1 Grappler when they’re available in addition to my normal prototype defenses (2 Hot Pots and 1 Doom Cannon). That will probably thwart a lot of Tank attacks.

The other aspect worth mentioning is the overhaul to Mechs. As Mechs have proven quite worthless, I have heard that they will be receiving a damage boost, movement boost and a small stun effect. I’m not sure what the meta might be with them. I have seen them used in full with Sgt. Brick and Battle Orders to rush the HQ. Also, I heard that Bombardiers make a decent combo with the Mechs tanking a lot of the damage. So it might be one of those two that will end up becoming the meta.

For now though, I’ll probably stick with Tanks-Bombardiers-Medics just because they’re pretty reliable. That said, I think if HQ26 ever does drop, we will probably see a 9th Landing Craft just because of how beefy the 4th Prototype is going to make many bases.

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