Boom Beach HQ25 and the Halloween Mega Crab Weekend

The Halloween Mega Crab started last night but I decided not to touch it until this morning since we have Imitation Game day going on and I wanted to fully take advantage of a full boost. My eyes for the prize today was on getting the first Weapon Lab upgrade to level 6 and starting on Everspark.

Imitation Game was pretty underwhelming until the last stage where the Sky Shield made another appearance with a Doom Cannon, Shock Launcher and two Boom Cannons. Pretty much the strategy to beat that as a tank player is to GBE down all the typical defenses around the Sky Shield like other Boom Cannons, the unshielded Shock Launcher and a few Cannons and use Critters on mines for your first attack. On the second attack, you want to save your GBE for Critters since your goal is to get the Sky Shield down by distracting the other defenses underneath, especially the Shock Launcher and hope to down the rest of the stuff under the Sky Shield. Once that goes down, you can land your shock to take the remaining defenses down pretty quickly. I did lose one tank on my secondary account but it’s not impossible to do clean.

From there, I went about nailing the first few stages of the Mega Crab just to clear it up and get the last resources to start the level 6 Weapon Lab upgrade as well as Everspark. So at the moment, I’ve got an ideal situation with my base where I have my tanks being upgraded, Everspark and a building. For tomorrow, I probably will skip out on going on a full boost so that I can get the usual Saturday resources. But Sunday I will go full boost, open my trader tickets and finish up whatever is leftover with Diamonds while I am for the level 7 Weapon Lab upgrade. I won’t be able to deploy anything for Monday but in a week’s time, I should start seeing the effect of having 4 prototype defenses in my base.

I’ve already seen some high level players with the full level 7 Weapon Lab along with placing down 4 prototype defenses. I can tell it’s going to be a challenge getting through those defenses in the near future. On the other hand, being able to place down 4 prototype defenses on a weekly basis is going to be a challenge in itself because of the rarity of those parts. So we’ll see how this goes since I do have a fair amount of parts.

Now, one may ask, why push the Weapon Lab? Since a good chunk of my base is upgraded and having solid offense in place, I think getting that extra prototype is going to be massive. It’s basically another defense that players who are still leveling up will be challenged by in attempting to defy bases like mine. For instance, imagine having two Hot Pots, a Doom Cannon and a Grappler. No tanks will go near such a base because they’ll eat up their GBE trying to take down the Grappler and Doom Cannon alone. Similarly, the twin Hot Pots will make Warrior and AZ attacks more difficult for bad players.

One thing I will mention among the various things that happened today was that I decided to sacrifice my +14% Troop Health statue in place of a +20% Resource Reward statue. I’m still far from getting tons of resources but I think if I can find two more of those statues, I might eliminate all the Ice Statues remaining on my base. That should make progress a lot better in the near future. Once I manage to finish my Weapon Lab, I’ll be focusing on my Rocket Launchers and Shock Launchers. Both are pricey so having more Resource Reward statues for the big days is going to help a lot.

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