Clash of Clans: And the 5th Account Was Created

So I decided to say fuck it because I was getting bored waiting for my other accounts to finish up whatever was going on. Quite frankly, I’m fine with this because I double checked the Clan Games reward system to verify that I would need at least five accounts to reach Tier 4 Rewards (which means more Clan experience which will go a lot quicker once these accounts are better setup). So it made sense to just move forward that way in the future I should also have the minimum number of accounts to do a basic Clan War.

In addition, it looks like I got mixed up a bit between Clan Wars and Clan War Leagues. I think unless I decide to go absolutely bonkers and setup 10 more accounts, I won’t be able to participate in Clan War Leagues just because you need 15 players apparently. I could be wrong but that’s what it seems which feels like a huge let down/shame as I was hoping to gain medals to use for the precious Hammers from the League Store. But in truth my situation now doesn’t really change so I’m not too down.

However, Clan Wars might become a thing now that I have five accounts. It might not happen in the near future but I can see perhaps once these accounts reach around levels 8-9, I might start participating in them. I don’t know how well I will do since I tend to rush a little on my bases but I think I’m at least in a good spot to start planning for that aspect of the game. It might take a few months before I can see that happening, which in reality is much better than the situation a few years ago because of all the increased rewards and other quality of life improvements in the game. Heck, I’m simply enjoying the free training which is amazing for a starter account not to mention the season perks.

So I’m just getting ready for my new account to reach TH3 which will enable me to unlock the Clan Castle. Once that gets done, I’m pretty much set. All I would need to do from there is win two battles to gain the 4x daily bonus and use that to do some quick key upgrades before pushing onward. I might just use this base as another rush base because I’d prefer to be around levels 8-9 rather than mired at low levels trying to upgrade every single building and wall.

Also, I just finished up with my TH4’s Clan Castle level 2 upgrade. I added a Balloon from my highest level account and the first base I faced was easily demolished. Predictably, the base had an Air Defense. But I dropped all my Giants and Archers in the corner to take it out. Once that was gone, I dropped my Clan Castle troops of my Baby Dragon and Balloon and quickly demolished the rest of the base. In some way, it was almost unfair. Right now though, I’m working on upgrading my Barracks so that this account can start using Balloons. So what I might do is swap out the Baby Dragon and Balloon for 3 Hog Riders to take out the Air Defense and just charge through the base. Then I’ll spam attack my Balloons and just destroy the remainder of the base.

As I find success in this new TH4, I’m going to use that as a template for my other two accounts. I’m hoping that in a day or so, I’ll hit TH5. TH5 gives Wizards so most likely I’ll switch to Giants + Wizards in my attacks at that level. I could still use Hog Riders as my Clan Castle Troops but there might be something better like a single Witch along with three Archers. Heck, even now I could theoretically use a single Witch and I’m certain that she’ll destroy most TH4’s on her own as long as I place her far enough to avoid being destroyed by splash damage and so she can summon her Skeletons quickly.

Also, I’m in the process of finishing up my 4th account’s TH4 upgrade. Again, I’m going to be forced to go through the Builder Base hell motions but I could always skip it until a bit later. My main account actually went for a long time without doing any Versus battles and just collected resources every day until I had enough to upgrade most of my relevant buildings and troops to BH9. Then when I started doing Versus battles again, I ended up facing nothing but dead accounts where I won every battle since my trophies were so low. So I could hypothetically do the same again and just ignore the Builder Base until I’m ready to play it seriously.

I’m very curious how much I can upgrade within a week from this point forward. I think I can get to at least TH6. That doesn’t sound too unreasonable as long as I can secure that 3rd Builder that I need so desperately. I think the 4th Builder will be very difficult and require me to get through a large number of Achievements. But if I can get at least 4, I should be in decent shape for a while. I did see at the end of these lower level seasons that there is a Book of Building for the final reward. That’s very tempting to save for a long time just because I know the plight of TH12+ upgrades. We’ll have to see how this all plays out though. Certainly, I won’t be using it willy nilly.

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