Clash of Clans: Got the Third Builder(s)

I gave purchasing the 3rd Builder another shot. This time it worked without me having to do some weird Game Center swapping on my iPad after all. I really have no idea what happened because last night the system rejected my attempt to purchase the extra Builder but today it worked just fine. In fact, I figured that while I was at it, I might as well pick one up for the other two new accounts. So F2P is out the window because I’ll probably pay for  Season Passes on those too in the future.

In purchasing that 3rd Builder, I’m currently trying to save up enough Gems to get a 4th one going. As of now, I don’t have enough resources to justify buying one from the store. But I am close enough where with some patience (which obviously I lack), I should be able to get the 4th Builder in a few days. In the meantime, I must resist all temptation to instant finish any upgrades as every single Gem counts towards that precious 4th Builder.

The 4th Builder though does cost 1k in Gems. I think the 5th one might cost 2k which may take either a very long time to grind or I will eventually have to short cut once my resources are filled to the brim and all my current Builders are too busy. Because I think at the very least, you need 5 Builders. A 6th Builder is very handy especially around TH11+ but you can survive without one, despite the game play being supremely painful.

I did start another Builder Base on my 4th account after I upgraded my Town Hall to level 4. Initially, I thought about ignoring it just because of the pain. However, after some consideration, I figured that I should at least get to the point where I can unlock the Gem Mine. At a certain point, you can just passively upgrade everything in the Builder Base by visiting it once a day to grab your resources and upgrade what you need. It takes a very long time to handle but this is an option if you hate Versus Battles.

My 5th account now is at TH3 and slowly making its way towards TH4. I think this one will be a little faster and I probably won’t be disciplined in trying to rush it. Already, I can annihilate bases at this low level with a single Baby Dragon so I’m not worried about offense. That said I missed the x4 Star Bonus event which sucked because I really could use the resources. Nonetheless, I can’t imagine the sheer anger that some lower level player has towards someone like me where I can just spit in their face with a Baby Dragon wiping out their base.

Obviously, in having that TH3 for my 5th account, I have also placed it in my Clan so that I can begin sending troops over. Here’s another great thing about the removal of troop cost because now there’s no excuse for not sending members in your clan exactly what they need (outside of your troop encampment being full)

Quite honestly, I’m glad I created the 5th account. My main two accounts are taking a VERY long time to finish up everything and it’s just boring waiting around. At least with these three new accounts, there’s something to look forward to in the shorter term. Also, having each account being slightly behind the other means that some accounts will finish faster than the others and that for these first few days, there will always be something to upgrade or look forward to.

I guess the next question is whether or not I will ever create more accounts. I think for now, I’m at a good spot. 5 accounts feels like the perfect number for a single player to run, especially if they lack the friends to participate with them in the game. Once these accounts get a bit higher (say TH8-9), I can see myself participating in either Clan Wars or getting them involved with Clan Games. I really hope that they can get into Clan Games by the end of the month at the very least. Even if I can’t make Tier 4, I would like to get to Tier 3 rewards. I do believe I can get all three accounts to TH5 by the end of next week. And depending on whether or not I can secure a 4th Builder in a day or two, maybe I can start a TH6.

For me, I thought the game started to really pick up around TH6-7. TH6 gives you Dragons, which are great offensive creatures once you understand how to deploy them. But TH7 is where you get PEKKAs and I fondly recall destroying my enemies with an all PEKKA army at that level. Also, TH6 will allow you another Clan Castle upgrade for 20 Housing Space slots, which means you could bring a very high level Dragon that can absolutely murder a base. And I’m really looking forward to TH5 by itself just because you start getting spells.

At any rate, being able to purchase from the shop is huge to me just because I will be able to make use of the Season Pass down the road. I don’t think I’ll be using it for a while at least until TH11 where upgrades begin taking much longer and things like the Book of Heroes come into play in a major manner. But I’m going to play it by ear for now and see how far I can progress without it.

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