Clash of Clans: The Wait Game for End of Clan Capital Raid Weekend

While my first Clan Capital Raid weekend was fun, it was quite brief as I did all my attacks at once just to get it out of the way (as well as pick up some nifty season challenge points). With that out of the way, I now much twiddle my thumbs around while awaiting the results of the weekend. So far, I’ve only had two defenses with one being successful (as I’m waiting to see if this attacker is going to eventually make another run at me). In the meantime, I’m hoping that my first raid efforts will be rewarding because I heard that the amount of Raid Medals actually isn’t all that great.

I did some research to see how much the average Raid Medals was and it sounded like a little over 200, which sounds bad. Now, those were from older posts so I don’t know if they have upped the ante as it sounds like a mixed bag depending on your clan size, participation and progression in your Clan Capital. It sounds as though low level Clan Capitals do not earn that much which does worry me. But I’m guessing that the lower level buildings will be taken into account along with the fact that these bases don’t have as many buildings overall. Not to mention you’ll have far less districts to get through. Either way, I just hope I have enough to buy something off the Trader.

On the bright side, I managed to finish up one upgrade today which was one of the cannons. My next goal is to unlock this batch of defenses in the Barbarian Camp. The overall cost is a whopping 18k in Clan Capital Gold so it will take me a while before I can finish that up. So I think for now I’m going to do a little bit at a time. Maybe during the normal week, I’ll just work on updating a few defenses (or probably defense) since I still need a few more buildings and upgrades before I can upgrade the Clan Capital to level 3.

Either way, somethings I’m preparing for in case I don’t receive that many Raid Medals is upgrading my Dark Elixir storage on my TH9s. At this point, they all should have the Rune of Dark Elixir. So I intend to use it before the season ends so that I can upgrade my Witches, Golems and Heroes. I did start upgrading a few Archer Queens, which made me happy. I really want to get them to level 15 soon. Then I’ll switch back to the Barbarian King since I still have tons of defenses, etc. to upgrade on my TH9s.

I did also push my TH7 to TH8 and my 7th account to TH7. I’m still trying to finish up one more achievement on my last account before making the big upgrade (not to mention freeing up a builder soon). But I should start the TH7 on that account tomorrow. And this is great overall because that means more Capital Gold all around. For my TH12, I started upgrading my Grand Warden to level 35. I ran out of books so I couldn’t rush him. But I think it’ll take one more season to get him all the way to level 40.  For my TH13, I upgraded my Royal Champion to level 13 and did buy a book to rush her. Also, I used up my Rune of Dark Elixir to upgrade my Bowlers finally. That was a real pain in the ass upgrade that I had been waiting to do for a while. I’d like to eventually use them but I’m very happy with my Ice Golem + Witch army. With that complete, I’ll probably focus more on Healers, Hog Riders and Miners, although I probably should upgrade my Baby Dragons.

But again I’m looking forward to the most right now pushing my TH9s so that they become more viable. I’ve been doing okay for the most part but once in a while I’ll hit a base that I’ve underrated and can’t finish off. A lot of that is just underpowered Heroes, spells and troops. So at this rate, I’ll stick with TH9 for at least one more week. Most of the important upgrades are getting done like the Air Defense, Wizard Towers and Air Sweepers. But I need to swap back onto Barracks, etc. so that TH10 does not become a nightmare backtracking. But I know that TH11 is where the golden goose is for me just because Electro Dragons + Stone Slammer are going to destroy. But I don’t see that coming until 2 more months. I don’t think TH10 is as bad as TH9 just because you aren’t dumped 20 – 30 levels worth of Hero upgrades all of a sudden.

One thing that I’m debating is which army composition I’ll take once I hit TH10. I think at first I’ll start with Dragons just because I’m very familiar with that strategy. But I do hope to eventually use the Hybrid. I’ve been running Hog Riders at TH7 and am pretty comfortable with that strategy especially the Healing spell placement. So I think once I get to TH10, I should be able to do the Hybrid attack. But I’ll also need to ensure my Healers and Archer Queen is fairly upgraded and possibly the Barbarian King. What’s good about TH10 this time around is that I’ll have access to the Siege Barracks. So I have the basics components in place. It’s just up to me to keep things fairly upgraded.

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