Clash of Clans: Slow Previous Week Ending Strong

Due to having to work onsite for almost the entire week, I wasn’t able to fully get my rounds in until this weekend. Even yesterday proved mostly to be a catch up day because of how I was incredibly exhausted and had to get back on track. But all things worked out in the end with a nice finish by completing a Raid Weekend and waiting to see how I fare in a few hours.

The thing about missing a few days is that you end up having a backlog of attacks for your star bonus rewards. In my case, not only did I have a bit of  a backlog but I ended up missing some key bonuses this past week since the game was celebrating Clashmas. I’m hoping this week will see some other bonuses, events and sales just before Christmas and I truly would like to get some badly missed rewards. I was originally shooting for this must-have Builder Potion from the Witch event but just ran out of time.

At any rate, starting with Raid Weekend, I made some progress by completing the remaining unlocking of all the ruins as well as beginning to upgrade my Wizard Valley District. I estimate that this grind will take roughly a little over a month of consistently doing these raid weekends to obtain enough resources to be able to start upgrading the Capital Hall to level 5 (not including season gold pass Capital Gold). I believe at this point in time, I have around 46 or so buildings that I must upgrade to push to the next tier.

One thing that did happen recently was a small update that had some new features for the Clan Capital. One that might be relevant in the near future are leagues. So with leagues, you can score Clan XP but the amount is quite tiny. So I’m not sure how that will be factored. As of now, I can’t see anyone neither global nor local that are rated so I’m wondering if this calculation will occur after this weekend’s Raid Weekend ends. Also, I have no idea at this point in time how they determine which league you rank into considering that some clans like mine are super small. Either way, I figure that it’s going to be skewed towards larger clans no matter what just because those can attack more frequently.

Moving on, progress for my accounts have been slow but steady. My main TH11 is trying to get through catching up since I rushed this base. I’m running through the center upgrading Archer Towers as most were level 7 when I started and I have the tedious task of going one by one, level by level trying to get them to a reasonable spot. Similarly, I’m slowly trying to get my Grand Warden to level 20 on this account. It’s quite painful because between 15+ the time to upgrade a single level becomes ridiculous. I’m almost at the point where I might switch back to Electro Dragons especially since there’s a seasonal challenge to use normal Dragons (where I stick one in the Clan Castle which will give me the points).

For my other two TH11s, I’m mostly struggling trying to level either the Grand Warden or Archer Queen up. Struggling might not be the best word here but impatiently tapping my foot at the exhausting length of time it takes for a single upgrade.  As much as I like Ice Golems + Witches, they really are dependent on having 2 of the 3 heroes to help out.

Now, on my TH10 side of things, my main TH10 is quite ahead and almost done upgrading all the Cannons. That leaves just traps and heroes and at this stage, I’m heavily debating simply pushing to TH11 since I’m overflowing with Elixir and need something else to dump my spare Elixir into (which will be the Grand Warden among other things). I think what I might do is finish up the Heroes and Cannons then see what I have left. I really wanted to try at least one Hog/Miner attack with a Queen Archer walk using a Siege Barracks. The bulk of my troops that are necessary for that attack are fully upgraded . Mostly, I’m just waiting for this Barbarian King to complete. Also, I’ve used up my Runes of Dark Elixir, which to me indicates it’s a good time to make the transition. So possibly in a few days, I’ll push into TH11 with that account.

My other two TH10s are not that far behind. But there’s still a tremendous number of Archer Towers and Cannons that they need to upgrade as well. In addition, one account has quite a few low level traps at level 1. So I’m taking my time to upgrade those along with the Heroes. But there’s a chance that before the New Year, I’ll get those two accounts to TH11 as well.

That leaves my main accounts of TH13. My main TH13 is almost like my main TH10 where I’m at the point of upgrading traps, heroes and Cannons. I really want to finish up my Archer Queen soon so that I can move onto my Royal Champion and close out with my Barbarian King. From there just Walls would remain so that could take anywhere between 1-2 more months at this rate. But I’m sure that next month I’ll be pushing my Royal Champion to level 25. I really don’t want to go into TH14 needing to spread my Dark Elixir out against my Pets and low level heroes.

Finally, there’s my secondary TH13. The primary focus is pushing Wizard Towers. I should be able to start another upgrade tonight, which will leave me with one more Builder. Perhaps, when Raid Weekend is done, if I can scrounge up enough Raid Medals, I’ll be able to purchase some gold to get another Wizard Tower upgraded. Also, I’m trying to get my Grand Warden to 47 but that’s going to take a few more days. I’m hoping that within that time frame, I’ll be able to obtain the next Book of Heroes and use that to upgrade my Archer Queen to level 68.

Since we’re talking about Supercells games, I figured I might just add a little blurb on Boom Beach as well. I haven’t really been playing as intensely as in the past since I didn’t care for this current update. But for my 3rd account, I’m slowly grinding my way up. The big thing I’m aiming for is a massive Barrage upgrade. Unfortunately, it cost a whopping 800k gold and I’m a little half way there. So the plan for that is to try and get in as many Operations attacks in the hopes of receiving a gold reward. Also, I’m trying to get all my Landing Craft prepared for level 12 as I will be able to have +1 Tanks. It’s going to take a while to get there but as an offensive player, that’s what you really want. I might have to do some Warships as well just to get bonus materials. It’s just that lately I really hate Warships and skip them entirely.



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