Clash of Clans: Taking A Break

Decided to not play this month for Clash of Clans especially with regard to the Gold Pass. $40 + other microtransactions hurt and Clan Games severely burnt me out. Felt that the rewards for this month simply weren’t worth it and that I just needed an overall break from the daily grind. I might load up the game to grab passive income but otherwise, I’m just going to sit this month out for the most part and let some of the builders finish their stuff.

There was a Raid Weekend that I skipped as well. Got mad that I was de-ranked from no effort which just verified the shitty design of forcing people to play each weekend if you want your capital to grow in terms of rankings. But it also told me that I needed a break simply because I couldn’t stand doing the same thing x8.

Boom Beach had a similar event with the 2nd Mega Crab. I just couldn’t even look at it. I might’ve used my 3rd account to grab some rewards but that was about it.

I guess my attitude right now is that I want to do something else and be more productive. With 2023 starting, I figured that continuing my current path with mobile gaming just hasn’t been great. I’ve had fun but mentally just don’t get as excited. I pretty much ended the debate about starting two more accounts to help with the year end event. I suppose if I wasn’t working and had tons of money stored away some place, I might give that a try. But it’s not worth the effort at this second since no one else that I know of plays this game. So it makes the grind tedious and unfun.

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