Diablo 3: Altar Completed Today

I finished up my Altar today. The last real barrier was an Ancient Puzzle Ring. I solved that (har) by reforging in the Cube until it was Ancient. Took quite a bit of mats but my luck this season with drops had been somewhat subpar. That said I did manage to get a Primal Ancient shoulders for my GoD DH so it wasn’t so bad.

Along the way of the Altar, I did the Echoing Nightmare for the 125 key/gem. I think I managed to clear 130+ before being overwhelmed. With my augments and Soul Shards, I didn’t find the Echoing Nightmare bad. Also, I had previously crafted the Staff of Herding so when its time came, that was instant. Maybe the only minor hiccup was requiring 300 Forgotten Souls, which felt a little challenging based on using much of my mats to reforge the Puzzle Ring. However, the easiest solution for that was to simply seeking out Visions of Eternity. I hit at least one goblin level which probably helped. But nothing was too difficult nor grindy.

Also, I found a shitty Restraint and decided to augment that item. I have only two normal Legendaries left, which are my amulet and gloves. I have some bad Depth Diggers but the main ability is at 99%. So for an ancient, I might just augment those. I do think I have another ancient Squirt’s Necklace but I need to check the stats to see if it’s even worth augmenting or rerolling.

On the side, I’ve been using all my spare Blood Shards to try and get an ancient chest piece for my Wizard. So far, it’s been rough. However, since I found a few useless Primals, I was able to upgrade my Nilfur’s Boots into Primals as well as augmenting them. So I might start pushing her again and level up her gems. I did see that the Typhoon/Hydra build has received a lot of attention lately so there’s a chance I might eventually swap over to that build.

Then a few nights ago I started playing my Witch Doctor again. I have been struggling a bit on gear for her so I used up a ton of mats to craft ancient Captain Crimson’s Trimmings to give her a start. No augments just yet. I’m hoping that I can get more Primal Ash to upgrade her weapon. But I did notice that Mundunugu’s set has been doing quite well. Quite honestly, at this stage, I prefer this set than Arachyr’s. I didn’t really care for the chicken build (it’s funny and that’s it to me). It just feels more reliable and speedy.

Also, I ended up getting more Necromancer gear. Le sigh. I suppose at some point I’ll need to create a Necromancer. Again, they’ve been doing quite well especially Rathma’s. I’m just not a huge fan of Rathma’s at the moment. Also, I found some that Blessed Shield shield for a crusader. I might end up doing a Crusader just because I have quite a bit of gear. It’s just not a huge priority right now.

Lastly, I managed to hit Paragon Level 1000. That’s a huge milestone for me. I can’t recall if this is the highest I’ve ever gone in a season. But I know having the Altar as a carrot-on-a-stick helped tremendously. Also, with the Soul Shards and Altar powers, I had been farming GR100s as though they were candy I could just pop in my mouth. I suppose the real question is what to do next.

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