Author: keithyw

  • Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 3 The Queen’s Justice Review

    The episode starts off with one of the most anticipated reunions in the series: Jon Snow greeting Tyrion Lannister at the beach of Dragonstone. Jon is accompanied by a few Stark men and his most trusted advisor Ser Davos Seaworth while Tyrion has by his side a few Dothraki soldiers and Missandei. They exchange a…

  • Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 2 Stormborn Review

    Stormborn picks up from the near dialogless ending from Episode 1 where Daenerys, Tyrion and the others plot Daenerys’ conquest of Westeros. We have an exterior shot showing a tremendous rain storm where Tyrion and Varys reflect upon Daenerys’ birth. Daenerys lacks patience over her desire to march forth and take back her birthright, but…

  • World of Warcraft: Will I Ever Return to the Game?

    I am not an important figure in World of Warcraft by far. In fact, I have probably zero significance to the game in any shape or form beyond monetary contributions and the occasional dialog from my blog. But from time to time, I’ll peek my head in just to see what is going on. Now…

  • Diablo 3: Will I Play Season 11?

    Season 11 started on Thursday rather than the usual Friday around 5pm. Since then I haven’t done anything to participate in the season thus far. Usually, a new season is when I feel most excited for Diablo 3 as there commonly is new content, especially this season with the Necromancer DLC. So what happened?

  • Game of Thrones: Will Cersei Play A Major Role in the War Against the White Walkers?

    There’s a lot of speculation about how Cersei will die with the prophecy of the Valonqar commonly connecting her demise to Tyrion and possibly Jamie Lannister. One can only imagine that if she is killed by her brother, it’s because she’s pushed him to his limits in what he can accept from her, which might…

  • Game of Thrones: Will Dragonstone Play A Role in the Future?

    The ending for Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 1 in showing Dragonstone being a massive castle is one in which I do not think it being a coincidence. Although we have seen glimpses previously with Stannis occupying the keep, Season 7 seems to increasing the importance in having various characters spend a significant amount…

  • Game of Thrones: What Role Will the Mountain and Qyburn Play?

    As the series is drawing closer to the end, there’s still many theories on the end game. In between all of that are how the pieces will fit together in eventually working themselves out. Two characters who have been somewhat silent (literally and figuratively) are the Mountain and Qyburn. I feel that both have an…

  • Game of Thrones: Season 7 Episode 1 Review

    And we’re back with the reviews. I will say that it has felt like an eternity since the last season, especially considering how they filmed the new season a little later than usual due to attempting to replicate the wintry conditions. But one thing is for certain: winter is officially here in Westeros!

  • Boom Beach: Main Account Update and Going Defensive

    Today was a victory of sorts when it came to Boom Beach for my main account. I upgraded the last of what I consider an offensive building, which was my Gunboat. Although a single energy point won’t make a huge difference in most cases, I have situations where I was short by one. Nonetheless, I…

  • Diablo 3: Necromancer DLC Initial Impressions

    Although I was sad that I never had the opportunity to get into the Beta for the Necromancer, I did not hesitate to purchase it as I still wanted to give the class a shot. Anyone who knows me realizes that I’m a class junkie. Just the two extra character slots and stash space made…