Category: games

  • Diablo 4: 10 Elements/Philosophies that Need to be Eliminated or Changed from the Game

    A post over on Reddit’s Diablo 4 community made me think in a broader sense the wasted opportunities or things that need a serious upgrade in their implementation. On the post, the writer wished he was able to use Mercenaries for the Citadel (affectionately known by the community as “the raid”). It was something when…

  • Diablo 3: An End to an Era for Me

    I finally decided to uninstall Diablo 3 from my gaming machine. I gave the latest season a try. The entire leveling process felt more painful than ever where my patience and broken finger decided that enough is enough. While I’ve had fun over the years of trying each season out, the lack of new development,…

  • Wizardry 6: And the Grind Goes On

    At last we saw of our weary party, we were about to begin our trials at the River Styx. The area was full of even more annoying mobs but we managed to pull through, grab some useful items then hit the Halls of the Dead. Prior to that, there was the little Tomb of the…

  • Wizardry 6: Onto the River Styx

    I made my way through the Amazulu Pyramid, gaining the second part of Ruby Eyeballs to unlock the River Styx. Most of the Amazulu Pyramid felt reasonable with regards to encounters. The boss fights weren’t too bad either since I used Fire Shield and other spells to either silence my foes or prevent major damage.…

  • Wizardry 6: Priest to Bishop Check

    After writing up yesterday’s blog post, I decided to continue the idea of moving my Priest to a Bishop. There were a few reasons for doing this, one not so obvious one where I no longer would be tied to dealing with a three way shared leveling situation between my Mage, Bard and Priest.

  • Diablo 4: What Happened to Season 7 For Me

    Obviously, I’ve been playing Wizardry 6 this entire time with all my recent blog posts. But I did mention that at some point I was going to try the Diablo 4 Season 7. Well, I did pause for a day to check out the new Season 7. And while it was fun during the time…

  • Wizardry 6: Switching Dwarf Fighter to Lord

    Well, I pulled the trigger on the first class change in the latest party in moving from Fighter to Lord. While my Fighter was doing reasonably well, the level 9-10 experience wall hurts during the mid-game for a basic class especially one like a plain Fighter. Already, his Sword skill was maxed out and I…

  • Wizardry 6: And Yet Another Starting Party

    I’ll admit it. I have a huge issue when it comes to alts and starting parties. I love theorycrafting parties, trying them out and tweaking things until I’m happy. Well, it happened again and I may have come up with a reasonably satisfying party. However, I did a few “tweaks” to deal with the frustration…

  • Wizardry 6: Character Classes Contemplation

    Earlier, I complained about the Ranger class. I’ve read a few posts where people felt the class was lacking. Now, that I’ve experienced it as a starting class, I really started to do a deep dive on why this class is flawed, how it could be fixed and where it potentially could work. Along those…

  • Wizardry 6: The Adventure Continues (with the New Party)

    Perhaps, I managed to stumble upon a winning combo that has kept my interest going in my latest Wizardry 6 play through. That combo is the party that I have created from the previous blog post where I’ve managed to make it work and feel reasonably satisfied with the results. Is it perfect? By no…