Category: diablo 3

  • Diablo 3: Raekor/Immortal Kings 4/3 Build for Patch 2.3

    I’ve stated it before that Immortal Kings makes a great bridge between sets. Before I tried whirlwind in patch 2.2, I did a Raekor/Immortal Kings 4/3 build, which was far better than the pure Raekor set build. While it did reasonable damage, it still could not compete against a pure Whirlwind set, which was becoming…

  • Diablo 3: Vyr’s Archon Wizard Build for Patch 2.3

    No fancy picture today containing my build from PTR. But I wanted to discuss the basic build for the revamped Vyr’s set based on my own play through on PTR.

  • Diablo 3: Justice/Blessed Hammer Seeker of the Light Crusader Build for Patch 2.3

    Patch 2.3 introduces to us a new Crusader set called the Seeker of the Light. The focus is on Blessed Hammer and Falling Sword. For the most part, it is a pretty decent damaging set with some defensive capabilities built in but utilizes a somewhat awkward skill in Falling Sword as a key feature. This…

  • Diablo 3: Seismic Slam Barbarian for Patch 2.3

    Although people have said that currently on the PTR the Immortal Kings set is bugged with regards to the 6 set bonus, I decided to give the Seismic Slam Barbarian another go. This blog discusses the gear and skills for a reasonable Seismic Slam barbarian and potential alternatives if you lack a piece or two.

  • Diablo 3: Stampede Bombardment Crusader for Patch 2.3

    While the Stampede crusader no longer is a high end build, it’s still playable if you want to just try something a little different in patch 2.3. Season 2 introduced the Belt of the Trove to enhance the crusader up. However, the Bombardment build never really became a mainstay since that point in time. Patch…

  • Diablo 3: Zunimassa Pet Witch Doctor Build for Patch 2.3

    This article talks about the Zunimassa Pet Build and a few variations for patch 2.3 The main build has been tested on PTR for Torment 6 and I will be looking when I have more free time to push this build both for Greater Rifts and higher Torments.

  • Diablo 3: Jade Harvester Witch Doctor for Patch 2.3

    Right now, I’m looking into trying a revamped version of the Jade Harvester Witch Doctor for Patch 2.3. Having Kanai’s Cube allows Jade Harvester Witch Doctors a little more wiggle room with regards to equipment and even certain stats. Given that, I want to go over the setup for this build.

  • Diablo 3: And Yet More PTR Testing With Monk, Marauders Demon Hunter and Kanai’s Cube

    Once again, I managed to get into the PTR for some testing. I did revisit the Marauders Demon Hunter build once again as well as put more emphasis on a Sunwuko-Innes combo monk. In addition, I’ve been playing around with Kanai’s Cube with regards to another power, the ability to convert rares into legendaries.

  • Diablo 3: Testing the PTR for Patch 2.3

    Last night, I gave the latest PTR build for Patch 2.3 a spin. Fortunately, there wasn’t a lot of people on and I successfully got in. That allowed me to complete a good number of bounties to finally start unlocking legendary passives and allow me to play around with a few ideas and experiment with…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.3 Change to Crowd Control Thoughts

    Patch 2.3 is changing the way crowd control works. In a nutshell, they’re reducing the efficacy of crowd control. There’s a pretty big outcry on the forums from this change and it’s not without reason because it changes a lot of builds and eliminates a core key style in the game. I want to delve…