Category: diablo 3

  • Diablo 3: A Look At the New and Updated Items in Patch 2.3

    The upcoming patch will be introducing more legendaries and updating many older items that may not have affixes or changing the powers of others. This blog will look at them while taking into consideration how they may be used with possible builds and the Kanai’s Cube ability of converting legendary powers into additional passive abilities.

  • Diablo 3: Theorycrafting Possible Ideas for Kanai’s Cube

    As emphasized in my previous blog, Kanai’s Cube will be the star of the show in the upcoming 2.3 patch. Tons of talk about what’s possible, what isn’t and some early ideas have flooded the Blizzard forums. This blog will dive into some current builds and see which items might work well with those builds.

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.3.0 PTR Preview First Look

    Blizzard announced the upcoming 2.3.0 patch for Diablo 3 on their PTR servers. Like 2.2, this patch looks to be pretty big with some major features that have numerous players chomping at the bits in anticipation for the release. Let’s take a look at the major features here.

  • Diablo 3: Personal Favorite Builds, Disliked Builds and Goofing Around

    I’m at the point in non-season where I managed to acquire a reasonable amount of gear for each toon/class x2 that I wanted to provide an overall assessment of things since patch 2.2. I can’t speak for certain specific builds that require extraordinary gear (like an Ancient Kridershot) but just my experience with sets and…

  • Diablo 3: (Not A) Cow Anniversary Event and Ideas

    Diablo 3’s 3rd anniversary has been marked this year with a special (not a) Cow Event which pays homage to Diablo 2’s Secret Cow Level. The event made me realize that Diablo 3 ought to have more events like this one on a very frequent basis, which will be the basis of discussion for this…

  • Diablo 3: Great Night for Gearing

    Last night was awesome in terms of getting gear. I decided to switch back to playing a Witch Doctor out of boredom in playing my barbarian and demon hunter a bit much lately. For her I was missing one key piece of gear…was…

  • Diablo 3: Weekend Grinding With Demon Hunters, Wizards and Barbarians

    While I do have some time to play during the week, most of my progress for Diablo 3 comes exclusively on the weekends. This weekend my main target was to finish putting together an Unhallowed Essence build which I managed to accomplish. So I’d like to share some thoughts on that as well as other…

  • Diablo 3: Barbarian Funness and More Patch 2.2 Thoughts

    At the moment, I’ve pretty much stuck to my guns about avoiding the current season and just focusing on my non-season characters. Since I really didn’t get much of a chance to experience the PTR magic find buff, I could not get the opportunity to test out the newer builds. Fortunately, I can experience everything…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.2 and Season 3 Thoughts

    Right now, I’ve been playing a mixture of season and non-season. Quite frankly, the seasonal items aren’t enticing enough for me to really commit my time in developing a new character at the moment, although I am leveling a barbarian. Most of the patch 2.2 has centered around the new sets for the most part…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.2 Test Drive Tonight

    All day I eagerly anticipated getting home to get my hands on the new patch. Originally, I thought about hitting the gym but it rained so it pretty much provided me with a reasonable excuse to head straight home after work. For the most part, I had been reading about the patch through forum posts…