Category: diablo 3

  • Diablo 3: Thoughts on the Upcoming 2.1.2 Patch

    I still haven’t given the PTR a shot yet for Diablo 3 (I did manage to download it). But I have watched several streamers demonstrate it as well as hear commentary from streamers and forum posts. I wanted to share my take on this patch.

  • Diablo 3: More Futzing Around With Builds

    Using the weekend’s experience buff, I decided to hit the old Diablo 3 pretty hard. I managed in the end to hit paragon level 602, not intentionally but it was part of my holiday goals. The other thing I wanted to work on was striving for some better gear, mostly on my Witch Doctor pet…

  • Diablo 3: Keep on Trucking

    This is going to be a vlog of some Diablo 3 stuff I’ve been working on. Mostly, I’ve been really focused on playing as many classes as possible and trying different gear, even non-end game builds. I’m very close to finishing a few guys up and wanted to share my experiences here.

  • Diablo 3: Why I Prefer Completing Rifts in Groups

    To complete or not complete? That is the question that must go through every Diablo 3 player once they kill a Rift Guardian. In a group, you sometimes are faced with people who mostly do Rifts just for Bloodshards. However, I feel that many people end up missing the point of the group play mode.

  • Diablo 3: How to Prepare for Patch 2.1.2

    With Patch 2.1.2 PTR up, some say that it’ll be released after Christmas, possibly in January. Right now, there’s only limited amount of testing available as quite a bit of the new items for the coming season are still being tuned. However, we have seen how both the monk and the demon hunter are being…

  • Diablo 3: Re-Designed Mauraders Set Bonuses

    Just so the patch notes for the upcoming 2.1.2 PTR and one of the key changes for Demon Hunters using the M6 (Mauraders set) is the way Sentries will work. I will go over the key points and some possible implications in this blog.

  • Diablo 3: Ancient Items or No Ancient Items?

    A controversial feature in the upcoming 2.1.2 patch is Ancient Items. Ancient Items provide approximately 30% improved stats. Currently, it’s not known which items will be seen as having the Ancient Item status outside of weapons. In addition, Ancient Items will have a very low drop rate (roughly 5-10% of legendary items dropped will have…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.1.2 Coming Up

    One of the talks I was looking forward to the most at BlizzCon 2014 was the preview of the upcoming patch 2.1.2 changes. On Thursday night, I had the chance to meet with the Diablo 3 team, but I purposefully avoided asking anything about future content patches as I figured everything would be addressed here…

  • Diablo 3: CarnEvil/Pet Doctor Build

    Recently, I leveled up a second Witch Doctor with the intent of providing her with all my spare gear that my original Witch Doctor had obtained. My goal for my second Witch Doctor was to act as a bank alt but also to experiment with other gear builds beyond the high end Jade Harvester build.…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 2.1.1 High End Build Comparisons

    This post might seem really late in the game considering that patch 2.1.1 has been out for some time now. However, one of the things I’ve managed to accomplish is gear and try out all the popular high end builds as best as I could and try a few different play styles. Yes, this does…