Category: games

  • Vanilla vs TBC vs WOTLK vs Cata

    Gotta love the debates that go on regarding how old time World of Warcraft players complain in nostalgic sense about what post-TBC players have missed. As a post-TBC player, it’s very hard to get a sense of what Vanilla and TBC were like. However, having read a bunch of forums, I’m starting to get a…

  • World of Warcraft Patch 4.3 Thoughts

    Right now, we’re getting a pretty good preview on the upcoming 4.3 patch for World of Warcraft. Of course, the biggest thing is that this patch will allow players to finally down Deathwing, who is the end boss of Catacylsm, of course.  Leading up to Death Wing will be some uber raid bosses along with…

  • Leveling Alliance Toons

    For the second time, I started a Draeni Protection Paladin and managed to hit level 18 with her. My path for questing goes from the Draeni starting zone, garnering level 6 or so, before moving her to Stormwind to pick up the human quests. Why this route? The quest rewards are better generally speaking in…

  • Ghostcrawler: A Failed Game Developer

    I was reading through various posts about the upcoming 4.3 patch on some different forums and it seems that not many people like this guy. I read his justifications for death knights (for instance) and my impression is that this guy is just reactionary in terms of how he approaches class design. Meaning that these…

  • Recent World of Warcraft Patch 4.2/4.3 Thoughts (and More)

    I’m not a huge raiding fan, so I can’t comment on the new raids. I’ve mostly been doing some grind quests with regards to the Firelands. The whole idea of helping to gear non-raiders seemed somewhat appealing to me. But the quests ended up being quite boring and horribly repetitive. You have to go through…

  • Developing the Foundation for A New RPG

    These past 2-3 weeks, I’ve been doing an incredible amount of work on writing up the foundation for a new RPG. The idea has been in my mind for years, but I had been focusing on writings on Japan rather than the fantasy world. Since all these Japanese women that I’ve been in love with…