Category: world of warcraft

  • World of Warcraft: LFR Recent Issues

    I’m thinking of taking a break sooner than I had hoped when it comes to World of Warcraft. My main game as people might expect is working on receiving drops from LFR and getting Valor Point capped. Unfortunately, LFR has been getting ridiculously frustrating for numerous reasons and is causing me far too many unnecessary…

  • World of Warcraft: Recent Ongoings, This and That

    I think I must be feeling another World of Warcraft burn out coming down the pike. Truthfully though, I probably have played the heck out the game in the past few weeks, trying to gear up my toons in preparation for the patch 5.4. However, the activity is just excessively time consuming in trying to…

  • World of Warcraft: And the Numbers Keep Dropping (600,000 Subscribers Gone) and My Fixes

    A recent report pegged World of Warcraft’s current subscription base to 7.7 million, which means that 600,000 more subscribers have quit. Back during Cataclysm, Blizzard claimed the decline on China being behind in the release. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case any longer and possibly is a major reason why Viviendi no longer…

  • World of Warcraft: My Ranking of Mist of Pandaria LFR Bosses

    After doing all the LFRs for Mist of Pandaria uncountable times, I decided to come up with my own list that ranks from the easiest to most difficult bosses in LFR. This comes strictly as someone who has done every encounter on all classes as a DPS except for the monk.

  • World of Warcraft: The Pros and Cons of Alt-A-Holicism

    As someone who has played RPGs for a long time, I’m someone who enjoys trying out different classes to see the difference in game play. In World of Warcraft, they call my style of play Alt-A-Holicism. Maybe some people stigmatize the idea of playing numerous alts, but it has its share of benefits as well…

  • World of Warcraft: Recent Tank Shortage in LFG/LFR?

    There’s an interesting hot topic on the Blizzard forums discussing how people are experiencing a general tank shortage in LFG/LFR. The real question is whether or not this is a current phenomenon or if this has been going on for some time.

  • World of Warcraft: Class Change Thoughts

    On the topic of class changes, I decided to write a post about somethings I wish were changed with classes/specs.

  • World of Warcraft: Why the Constant Changes for Classes in Each Patch?

    Something that has frustrated me for the longest time is the moving target for classes in World of Warcraft. Obviously, this has gone on since the start of the expansion. In some cases, the changes are positive as bugs might be addressed in a patch. However, a lot of the changes in spells, talents, etc.…

  • World of Warcraft: Is the Legendary Cloak Worth It?

    In the upcoming 5.4 patch on the new Timeless Isle, there will be a new world boss that only people who have succeeded in obtaining the Legendary Cloak (meaning have completed the Legendary Quests for this expansion thus far) can access. As usual, there’s a huge amount of arguments that have broken out over on…